I Will Give Up My Heart for You - Hoonki (Requested)

536 25 12

'Curryy!' --- Jungwon


Requested by P0ek1e

'Prince Niki.. Queen & King is looking for you..' One of the maid said to Niki. 'Okay.. I am coming..!' Niki replied, keeping his book at his table. He got out from his room & walked towards his parents. 'May I come in?..' Niki said from the outside of the door. 'Sure..' He heard & walks inside the room. 'Oh.. Niki! My son, how are you?' Queen said with a smile. But it was weird for Niki, cuz why did his mother suddenly started to act too sweet. 'I am doing great mom... What about you & father?' Niki said with a forced smile. Ofc, he knew something is going on in their minds thats why they are suddenly acting sweet. 'I am doing fine, dear...' Queen replied with a smile. 'Good..' King replied with a small smile. 'So.. Why did you call me here?..' Niki said, his expression slowly turning to a serious one. His mother's face silently turned in to a nervous. While, his father was being serious now. 'So.. Niki.. We have... Settled everything for your wedding.. You will get married the next week..' Queen said. Making Niki widen his eyes. How could they do this? Without even asking him, without even knowing who he is getting married? They settled everything. 'W- what!... How can you do this? I still didn't even found any lover & you arranged wedding for me already, without even knowing who is it?!' Niki said. 'You will like him, he is great..' King said. 'Yeah! Thats what you will say.. Aren't you? What if I don't like him abit? What if he turned out to be a jerk that I am gonna marry?! Can't you guys have waited until I was ready, I wasn't even ready for this.. And.. I don't even found anyone who I can mention as my lover.. Father!' Niki shouted, tears rolling down his cheeks from his eyes. He knew, something like this was coming, it was clear at first when he noticed the weird behaviours of his parents. 'Whether you like this idea or not.. You will have to marry him.. So, welcome to Prince Wonhak..' King said coldly, while the said boy walked towards Niki with a smile. [Pls.. Don't mind the name of that boy.. I had nothing on my mind🥲..]. Niki looked at him in disgust. While, the boy still smiled. 'Go away from here now.. Go have a nice talk with eachother..' King said. Niki just got out of that room without telling Wonhak where he was going. So he followed him. 'Stop following me!' Niki said while they where now infornt of Niki's room. 'Aww.. Dear.. Don't cry..' Wonhak said as he cames closer & whips the tears from the younger's face. 'Don't you dare to touch me!..' Niki angrily said as he pushed the older's hand. Wonhak smirks as he walked closer towards Niki making him walk backwards, until his back touched the wall. Wonhak holds his chin, 'Love.. Don't dare to shout at me.. Or you will regret it..' Wonhak said. 'You don't own me, Jung..' Niki replied with a cold tone. 'Little boy.. Don't call your hyung like that... And.. I am telling you again don't misbehav with me.. Or I will make you feel pain, after we get married..' Wonhak said, and walks away from there. 'Huh! Like you will even gonna get a chance..' Niki said & walked inside his room. When he walked towards the balcony. There he saw, Wonhak almost making out with another boy. 'Ugh! This jerk.. Came to get some fresh air.. But here he is doing shit..' Niki just walks towards his bed & sits there with his book. He has something going on his mind so that he can avoid this wedding.


'Ajumma-s... Pls help me..' Niki said to his 3 maids. Who got shocked to see the Prince cry. 'What happen Prince?..' One of them came towards him, hugging him & rubbing his back. 'P- pls.. Will you guys help me to get away from this Kingdom... I- I don't want to stay here anymore..' Niki said, making them shocked more. 'Did you mean.. You want to run away?' Another one asked. Niki nodded. 'You guys are the only one who can help me get away.. And thats the only way I can avoid the wedding.. If I marry him, everything will turn into hell.. I can't let him marry me.. I need to run away from here..' Niki said, while he slowly stopped crying. 'A- are you sure.. You want to do this Prince?..' The other one asked making Niki nod again. The 3 of them looked at eachother before standing together side by side. And smiles towards Niki. 'We will do anything, just for you to get saved..' they said making Niki happy. 'Thanks to you..' Niki said, a smile was on his face. After sometimes, they finally decided everything. 'So.. Your going alone? Don't you want any of us to go with you?..' The maid asked. 'No.. If any of you go with me.. Dad will directly going to call the other two who will be here.. So thats why.. I will just take some guards with me.. Dad won't gonna know that if I take guards without taking any of you..' Niki said & smiled.

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