My Senior - Yunki (Requested)

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'Wake up, Wake up' -- Heeseung

(Do u remember the morning call rap of Heeseung?🙂)


Requested by _tsukidal1205_

(To the one who requested : Hey unnie! I am sorry for being late.. But, here I finally completed it.. Hope you will enjoy it! Ily💕.. I am sorry again!😭😭😓😓)


Niki, stop smiling like a idiot' Sunoo said to the younger, who is smiling over a thing that just happened. And, just thinking about that, made him smile. 'Oh come on, hyung... Can't I even smile now?' Niki asks, and pouts. Sunoo just smiles at the cuteness of the younger. 'Niki you just bumped into Jake hyung... And, your smiling creepily about that.. Some students are looking at you weirdly..' Sunoo said. 'Huh? Where?..' Niki says & looks around. Sunoo was right, students are looking at him with a weird face. He says sorry & looks at Sunoo. 'Heheh.. I can't help it..' Niki said & looked at the senior boy, who he bumped into before coming to the cafe of their college. The older was studying in a table. Some of the students calls Jake a nerd, cuz all he does is study & study. He can't wait a bit without studying. It makes Niki annoyed alot. Yes, he likes the older. But, he knows the older doesn't gonna like him back. Cuz, he is just like those rich students who shows off by wearing cheap outfits- Nah! Niki is not like that. He does likes to fashion alot & his family is quite rich, but he is not a brat like those rich students who bullies others for nothing. But, some students doesn't likes him, thinking that he might be just like them. But, only Sunoo knows that what type of a boy Niki is. So, Niki thinks that for being too much fashionable. The older will never gonna look up to him. 'Ey, Niki! Stop staring at him like that.. He will caught you staring..' Sunoo said, shaking the younger. But, he is just too obsessed with the older. But- suddenly, looking up. The older directly looked at him. Niki widened his eyes & looks away, acting like he wasn't looking at the older. He felt the older stare at him for a quite long time, but then goes back to the book he was reading. 'I told you, you will get caught, Niki- eyyy... Looks like someone just turned into a tomato, huh??' Sunoo said & laughs at the poor boy, who was blushing hard. 'Hyung stop it! Will ya?' Niki says & pouts at him. 'Why don't you just go & tell him about your feelings? I guess, you will have a chance..' Sunoo said, making Niki pout. 'Hyung, thats not gonna happen.. He wouldn't gonna like me... People makes gossips about me & he probably heard about it as well..' Niki said & signs. 'He probably likes boys, who's style is neat & clean... Not boys like me, who have a pretty bad style which give bad boy vibes...' he added. 'Firstly, Niki stop thinking negative.. Secondly, if you really think that he likes neat styled boys, then why don't you change your style & approach him..?' Sunoo said. Niki thinks of it for a while, 'Woahhh! Hyung, thats such a nice idea! Thanks for this' Niki said with a smile, on which Sunoo smiled back.


The school bell ringed, meaning that it's the end of the day, so stodents can go for home. But, Niki was still there. Ofc, he wanted to see the older so he waited outside his class to see him.'Eyy, Niki.. Let's go now, how long are you gonna wait for him..?' Sunoo asked. 'Hyungie! I want to wait a little longer.. I still want to see him..' Niki turned around & told to Sunoo, who was gonna say something but became quite when he saw someone coming towards their way. 'What happened, hyung? Why became so quite, did he already got out from there- AHH!' when Niki turned around to see if the older already left from there- but, the older was actually standing infornt of them, which made niki scream. 'J- Jake hyung? W- what brings Y- you here?..' Niki asked Jake nervously, who was staring at them with a unreadable face. 'I was just wondering that, who did you meant by saying "Did he already got out from there"??' Jake said & raised one of his eyebrow. 'Oh- I... It- it was N- nothing!' Niki said. 'L- let's go, Sunoo hyung! We are gonna be late.. And bye Jake hyung..' Niki added & dragged Sunoo with him. Jake was staring at them while they were leaving, 'huh, they are acting strange.. But, let's just not worry about it..' Jake said to himself & started to walk to the other way. 'See? I told you Niki! Now, we almost got caught..' Sunoo said. 'Humph! I didn't know that he would come up to us & ask what we were doing..' Niki said & pouts. 'Okay, let's just go we are actually geting late...' Sunoo said & both of them left from the place.

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