Letters & Roses - Hoonki (Requested)

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'I am probably cuter than him' --- Sunoo


Requested by -urluvjen

'Woah! Did Sun raised to the opposite side?' Sunoo said as he saw Niki walking to him. 'What did you mean by that hyung?' Niki asked not really understanding what the older meant. 'How did you came so fast today, huh? You always come runing 4 mins before the class starts.. But today you came fast.. It's still 40 mins left before classes..' Sunoo said, making Niki roll his eyes. 'So should I go back & come before 4 mins..?' Niki said making Sunoo laugh. 'Niki.. Don't be sad.. I am actually happy that you came fast.. So I can share some teas!' Sunoo said pats the younger's head. 'Teas? Oh pls no hyung- all ur teas are not even teas.. You always talk about how your simping for almost all the boys!' Niki said. 'Well.. Including 2 persons.. You & your Mr. Park Sungh- mmhmm' Sunoo got cut off because of Niki wraping his hand on Sunoo's mouth. 'I know that, I know that.. No need to say the full name..' Niki said as the one Sunoo was talking about just passed by them. Walking to his class. 'Hyung! He could have heard it! You didn't even had to say that..' Niki said. 'Heheh.. Sorry Niki..' Sunoo said.

(Time skip, at lunch time)__

Niki & Sunoo sat at their usual sits. They were talking about some random things. But then they started to eat in silence. 'Hmm..' Niki signs, making Sunoo look at him. 'Whats the matter Niki? You look abit sad..' Sunoo asked to the younger boy. 'it's been 5 months..' Niki said. 'About what?' Sunoo asked with curious. 'It's been 5 months I have been crushing over Sunghoon hyung... But I still don't know what will I do to gain his attention to me.. But then again.. I don't want to go to him & confess about my feelings.. I feel scared that he might gonna reject me..' Niki said & looked at the older who he is talking about. His crush was silently eating while listening to music while some girls are just siting near the table he is on & probably talking about how cool the older is. It was clearly shown that they were simping over him. It actually made Niki feel abit jealous. Cuz, he is not even gonna be able to do that. It will be werid if he just goes there & sit with the older coming out of nowhere. He even don't have the courage to talk with him. 'So you want to gain his attention, huh?' Sunoo asked to the younger who looked at him & nodded. 'Why don't you write love letters to Sunghoon hyung & left them on his locker?' Sunoo said. 'That will obviously gain his attention.. If you keep writing letters or notes..' Sunoo added. Making Niki think about it abit, he suddenly gave a smile to the older, 'Wow! That will actually gonna work hyung! Thanks for this idea..' Niki said. 'No worries! After all your my bestfriend!' Sunoo said. 'Okay so I will start it from tomorrow!' Niki said making Sunoo laugh at it as he find it cute. 'But, Niki.. You need to keep this on mind that.. If you don't want to get caught by Sunghoon hyung while puting the letter at his locker.. You need to come before 7 o'clock..' Sunoo said, makimg Niki nod.

(Time skip.. The next day)__

'You actually came before 7..' Sunoo said & smiled. 'Ofc.. I don't want him to know who I am..' Niki said & pouts. Then he went towards his locker & opened it. The locker was neat & it gaves off ice vibe. I mean ofc because the older is a ice skater. And some of the peoples on their college even calls him 'The Ice Prince'. Niki puts the letter on the locker & closed it. Then he checked his watch to see time. It's already 7 o'clock, so the older can be here at any time. 'Hyung let's go & hide beside something, I want to see what will he do..' He said to Sunoo who nodded & finds a better place from where they will be able to see what the older will do & say and ofc a better place for hiding too. They walked to there & waited for Sunghoon to come. And, finally the older came after a few mins. Sunghoon walked to his locker & opened it. At first he didn't noticed it, but later when he looked up, he saw a paper on there. He was confused at first, he took it & observed it & realised that it's a love letter. 'A love letter?' Sunghoon said, he thought for abit if he should open it or not. But, 'Nothing bad will even happen if I just read it..It's just a love letter..' He said & started to open it & reads whats written inside.

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