Your still mine...Right? - Yunki (Requested)

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'Pinky ring, til I get a wedding ring' -- HeeJake


Requested by stardust_moonchild


- (Author's Note) -

Hey, everyone! Hope all of you are doing well. So I want to say sorry... even thought I said I will give late updates, I still want to say sorry. Cuz this time, I wouldn't have been late, but the problem was that... I just suddenly got sick. My health condition is not really going well. Because of this sudden issues, I couldn't update fast, even when I wasn't busy. I Couldn't write cuz of that... And I have some requests left, so I will try to finish them as fast as I can. I am sorry for that... but here is an update for y'all...hope u will enjoy it!


It's been 2 years that Niki & Jake is dating. Their relationship is really sweet & cute. Their friends supports them as well. But recently, Jake doesn't spend that much time with Niki. Recently, he is spending almost all of his time with Jungwon & Sunoo, Niki's two bestfriends. Niki is really hurt by that. Yeah, his jealous that his own boyfriend is spending time with his own bestfriends. Here is an day of it is going, on the couple's life.

'Good morning, Jakey hyung!' Niki greeted Jake when he saw the older at the lockers. 'Good morning, love. How are you doing?' Jake asked as he smiled seeing his little boyfriend's charming smile. But the question that Jake asked, maked Niki wanting to cry, but he can't, he just doesn't want to. 'I - I am fine, hyung. What about you?' He lied, because was totally not fine. 'I am doing well, let's go. Let me drop you to your class.' 'But-' 'No buts, Niki. Come now.' Jake said & cut of Niki's words. Niki just followed what his bf said.

After some time, they reached to Niki's class. Niki thanked Jake and was about to go inside. But he stopped & turned around, 'Uh...Hyung...?' Niki called Jake. 'Yes, duckie?' Jake asked, making Niki blush at the nicknames that Jake often calls him. Even thought, he was upset with Jake, he still loved him alot. 'Uh..Are you free today, after school? I thought we can go somewhere?' Niki asked Jake. 'I...I am sorry, duckling. But I have some work today' Jake apologised, feeling sorry that he is not gonna be able to do what the younger wanted. 'Ohh...I see...' Niki said sadly looking down, 'yeah...that work is nothing, other then spending time with my own bestfriends' Niki thought. 'Let's plan it on next time, baby. When I will be free' Jake said, trying to cheer up his lover. Niki just nodded & got inside his classroom. Jake sees Niki going inside and taking his sit, after that he walks to his class. While, someone was listening to their little conversation, and walked to the class that Niki went. He got inside & there he saw a sad Niki staring at outside, looking sad, while his two bestie were talking & asking little questions to Niki. He walks to Niki. 'Hey, Niki!' He said giving a smile, as Niki looked at him, Niki smiled back, 'Hello, Sunghoon hyung! What brings you here? Do you want to say something?' Niki asked, cuz Sunghoon is not at the same class with them, he, Jake, Heeseung & jay are at the same class. 'Well...actually yeah..Are you free today after school?' Sunghoon asked, Niki. Yeah he knows what is going on between Niki & Jake, so he thought to spend the time, that Jake is not doing with him. 'Ah..yes, I am...' Niki said, confused about why Sunghoon asked him that. 'Then, wanna hangout together?' Sunghoon asked. Niki thought that, thats what he asked to Jake but Jake will be busy. So it wouldn't hurt if he hangout with Sunghoon, right? They are also not that much close, so he thought it will be good. 'Sure! I would love too, hyung!' Niki agreed, happy that he can atleast spend some time with someone. 'Thats great. Then meet me at the gate, after school ends' Sunghoon smiled, happy that he was able to cheer up the younger. And then he left from there.

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