That Pretty Vet - Yunki (Requested)

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'Eating Miso, makes Me so happy!' - Sunghoon


Requested by P0ek1e


'Hey there Layla come here, my daughter' Jake said, calling for his daught- I mean his dog but Layla didn't came to him. 'Come on, buddy.. You need to get a check up..' Jake said pating Layla. Layla has got sick. So Jake thought to take her to the Vet cilnic. Layla ran away from Jake's hold & hid under the table. Jake signs & gets up from the couch & walks to the table & bends down. 'Layla, please.. Come out.. If you don't go for a check up, you wouldn't gonna feel good' Jake said. Layla stays fo some secs but then comes out from there. 'Thank you, my dear.. Now, let me go get ready then we will go' Jake said & gets up & walks to his room with layla.

(Time skip) ___

'Let's go, Layla' Jake said & walks out & locks the door after Layla came out from the house. Before leaving the his place, he checks if he locked his door, and that if he lased Layla. 'Everything is okay, so we can go now' He said & walks to the pet care. He has a car but he thoughts to walk cuz it's not far away from his home. Then after some time, he got there. When he got inside he was greeted by his only friend there. Lee Heeseung, he has helped Jake alot. 'Welcome, Jake! How can I help you..' Heeseung said with a warm smile. Jake smiled back, 'thanks, hyung.. Actually.. Layla have been acting abit weird.. So, I thought she might got sick cuz most of the times she acts like this when she's sick.. So I thought to give a check up..' Jake explained what has been going on with Layla. Heeseung nodded in understanding & gives a smile again, 'Don't worry, Jakey.. We will take care of it.. Anyways.. I want you to meet a new vet here..' Heeseung said, & takes him to the new vet. 'Hey, Niki! Meet with him, Shim Jaeyun.. In short, Jake' Heeseung introduced Jake to the new vet who is called Niki, as Jake gives a smile to Niki. 'And, Jake this is Nishimura Riki.. Just call him Niki..' Niki also smiles back as Heeseung introduced him to Jake. 'Hey, Nice to meet you, Niki..' Jake said raising his hand for a handshake. 'It's nice to meet you, hyung!' Niki replied & handshakes with the older. 'So, Jake.. uhh.. He will be the new vet for your Layla's check up, cuz I wouldn't gonna be here for 3 months.. So I wouldn't gonna be able to take care of your pet.. He will take care of Layla..! Don't worry his pretty nice & Niki I have already told you about him alo- mmm' Heeseung got cut off, because of Niki's hand. 'Yes, yes, yes.. I know, I know..! You don't need to say anything more, hyung!' Niki said making Jake confused, but he just shakes of that thought. 'Okay, anyways.. Hope you guys will get closer! Now, I need to go..bye guys!' Heeseung said & walks away. 'Okay, so.. I heard that your pet got sick..Is it, hyung?' Niki asked. 'Uh.. I am not sure but probably..' Jake replied. 'No worries, give him to me, I will check everything..' Niki said & takes Layla to get a check up. After Niki leaves, Jake just stares at the younger going away from his sight. If he says that he didn't liked the younger.. He will be lying, cuz he pretty much liked the younger. Those pretty eyes of him, those duck like lips of his, those pretty hairs of him that hides one of his eyes and that made him look cute. His smile that made his heart skip a beat. He felt like, he fell in love at first sight. 'He looks like a angle sent from Heaven..' Jake whispers.

(Time skip) __

'Hyung, Layla does have a bit fever.. I gave him a pill so that he can get abit better.. Give him this medicines.. Then come back after 3 days..' Niki said & gives a smile. 'Okay.. Thanks, Niki..' Jake said. 'Uhh.. Hey, do you know my age?' Jake asks to the younger. 'Uh.. Yeah your 20.. I am 19 btw..' Niki replys nervously laughs. 'Ohh, thats why you were keep calling me hyung.. But, how do you know that?..' Jake asks, even thought he understood that Heeseung has told Niki about him. 'Well... Heeseung hyung had told me alot about you, hyung.. He even showed me a few photos of you..' Niki says. 'He even showed my photos?' Jake laughs off it. 'But.. From where? My Instagram?' Jake asks cuz he has never gave a photo of him to the older. 'Y- yeah..' Niki said. Jake looked at the younger worriedly, 'You seem nervous, Niki...but It's okay, take your time to get comfortable with me..' Jake said with a smile. 'Uhh.. It's just.. I have never met you in person, I only saw you on Instagram thats why.. But thank you for your concerns, hyung..' Niki said. 'It's okay, Niki-ah.. Anyways, you know me from IG so let me guess, your ID is the one '', right?' Jake asked. 'Yeah..! Wait how did you know?!' Niki asked. 'Your name & your Id is same thats why.. I mean your Name is Niki & Riki both of them.. So I thought it would be you.. I have noticed that this Id has been liking all my posts & sometimes left comments..' Jake said. 'Ohh..well, yeah...' Niki said. 'Okay, so I will get going now.. Bye, Niki.. It was nice talking with..' Jake said & got ready to leave the place. 'Goodbye, hyung! Take care!' Niki said & waves his hands. Niki just looks at Jake going away until he disappears from his sight. Niki just smiles abit but not until- 'Whats that smile for, huh?' Heeseung comes out of nowhere saying with a smirk.

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