Strawberry Pocky - Wonki (Requested)

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'Nobody askeu, Nobody asked' --- Sunghoon


Requested by marikirin


Niki is just living his life as a student, who will soon going to be graduate. But, one problem is that... He likes his hyung, Yang Jungwon. It probably doesn't looks like a problem. But, to him it is. He wants to confess him, but his too shy. And when he tries to he can't cuz of these girls that always following his crush everywhere, leaving letters on the boy's locker, etc. And these girls are way too prettier than him, Atleast thats what he thinks. So he has no hopes left about the older liking him. He doesn't even knows if Jungwon is gay or not. Yes, his hyungs knows it very well, that how much the maknae likes Jungwon or we can say the captain of school. |(idk, what do we call those students, who takes care of the whole school/Almost does all the works of their school)| His hyungs has told him to confess already, but he can't do that. What if he gets rejected.


'Hey, Niki!' A familiar voice has said. Niki immediately looked up & saw the one and only Jungwon, who was smiling at him. 'Oh- Hello, hyung!' Niki said. 'Ki.. You look down, what happened?' Jungwon worriedly asked, noticing the look of Niki. 'Oh... I- it's N- nothing, I am just feeling S- sleepy' Niki said nervously. 'Niki, I am not dumb. I know your lying' Jungwon said, knowing that when the younger lies, he sutters alot. 'Hyungie... I am not lying, just forget about it..' Niki said, and yes he was actually lying, he is feeling down cuz his jealous right now. Want to know the reason?...

(Flashback to 1 hour ago🕒)__

Niki was peacefully walking to his locker. He wanted this day to be a better day, but I guess his luck doesn't wants that. When he was near the lockers, he saw. A girl being too touchy, with who? Ofc, it's Jungwon. It was clear, that Jungwon didn't liked it, cuz of the disgusted face he was making. While Niki, he was boiling in anger. He was tired of seeing girls all around his crush. 'I wanted a better day, but this bitch in here is making it worst... Ugh, how much I want to punch this girl right in the face right now' Niki thought, as he pouts out of jealousy. He just walks away from there without even going to his locker. Jungwon has noticed that Niki saw them like this & now walking away. 'Shit, shit.. He saw it.. Jungwon you fucked up!' Jungwon thoughts as he watches the younger leave the place as quick as he can with a pout on his face which was cute to him. He wants to push this creepy girl, but he can't for being the school captain.

(End of Flashback🕒)__

The bell ranged meaning that it's lunch time. So Niki walks to the door, but stops on his steps and looked around to see that Jungwon cleaning the board. 'Hyung.. Let's go together, to have lunch?' Niki asked. 'Sure, Ki.. Wait for some secs, I am coming' Jungwon said & then they leaves the classroom. 'Look whos here..' Jake said when he saw the two young man coming to them. 'Our captain Yang with his duck looking wif- mmmh mm' Sunghoon was about say something more, but got cut off by Niki. 'Hey, Hoon hyung.. Don't you talk a bit too much?' Niki said, smiling but scarily. Which didn't really looked scary but cute. Jungwon laughs at it. 'Okay, stop this Kdrama show, and listen to me' Jay said. Everyone sat down on the soft grass & gets ready to listen, what the 2nd older of their friend group wants to say. |(So yeah.. They are siting under a tree. And the tree is really huge, and in the back of the school building. I am saying this cuz I can mention this tree in more places too, so remember it:] )| 'Okay, so it's just that me & Hee hyung has decided of a game, which we can play for today, it will be fun' Jay said & smiled. 'What game hyung?' Sunoo asked. 'Well it's... The Pocky game! The strawberry flavour' Heeseung said. 'So.. Who should we start it on?' Sunghoon asked. Why don't Jungwon & Niki go first! Also the both of them likes strawberry flavour..' Sunoo said, making everyone agree on it. 'W- wait.. Why me..?' Niki said & blushes at it, cuz he has to do it with his crush. 'It's okay.. I am totally fine with it..' Jungwon said and smirks a little when he saw Niki's reaction. 'Okay so.. Ready, One... Two... Three... Start!' Jake said. Jungwon & Niki both starts the game. First, Jungwon puts the stick on his mouth, while Niki puts the other side on his mouth. Both eating it slowly. But after some mins, the stick was finally coming to an end. Their lips were almost close to eachothers. Niki was trying his best not to touch the older's lips, he just didn't wanted to make him uncomfortable. But... 1.. 2.. & 3..! There lips touched. Niki was gonna pull away, but a hand on his waist didn't let him. He felt that Jungwon was kissing him and is he gonna stop from kissing him back? No.. He melted on the kiss & kissed back. 'Aww! Look guys! They kissed!' Jake said. 'Yay! Our ship is sailing, bro!' Sunoo says & lightly hits Sunghoon. 'I know, right!' Sunghoon says as he wipes away his fake tears. All of them started to cheer, but hearing there loud noises. Some other students cames to the spot, and they also started to cheer.


'Your lips tastes just like this strawberry flavoured pockys' Jungwon says & laughs at the reaction that the younger had on his face. He was blushing messily. They both looks around & saws alots of students were cheering them along with their hyungs. Jungwon smiled at it, he was happy the way everyone was cheering for them. 'Niki-ah~.. Will you be mine?...' Jungwon asked, geting the courage to confess to Niki after all of these cheers. Hearing that maked Niki shocked. He didn't tho, that his crush will like him back. He smiled happily & looked at Jungwon, 'Ofc, hyung..I will gladly..' Niki said. Then, Jungwon came closer to the younger's face, 'Can I?' Jungwon asked. Niki shyly nodded, leting the older do what he wants. And Jungwon does what he wanted. Everyone were claping for the two. And thats how the day ended. 'Hyung...' 'Yes, Duckling?' 'I love you..' 'I love you more, baby..' Jungwon says & smiles.


The End°~


Here is an update for u:).. I was at home the whole day, So thought to finish my pending requests T-T

Btw.. It's really short but.. I hope you liked it..🎀

Pls leave votes, comments & don't forget to follow!🌆

Ig, thats all for today...🙂

Bye! Pls take care of yourselfs:)..

--- Shuha🎀

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