My Brother's Bestfriend - Heeki (Requested)

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'Why are you sleeping... Naked?' --- Jay


Requested by P0ek1e


'Sleepy duckie, wake up! Your gonna be late & also gonna make me late for school!' Jake said to Niki, trying to wake him up. 'Yeah, yeah...I am up, now get out hyung...let me get changed' Niki said, as Jake nodded & leaves the room.

(Time skip🕒, at school🏫) __

'Hey, Nikki Minaj!' Niki's bff called him, when he saw Niki coming to the lockers. 'Hyung! Pls don't call me that!...' Niki said as he pouted. The other male started to laugh on the cuteness of Niki. 'Why are you so cute, Niki-ah?' Sunoo said. 'No! I am not cute, I am handsome' Niki said. 'Yes, you are.. But ur more cuter... Btw, let's go to our class now, some mins later classes will start' Sunoo said, as Niki nodded at it. Then they walked to their class. 'He is your brother, right? The one who was calling the other boy, hyung...' 'Yes, Hee hyung. He is my brother...' Jake answers to Heeseung. 'Ohh...ngl...He is kinda cute' Heeseung said as he smiled thinking about the younger. Jake laughs at it, 'Already fall for him? Did not you saw him just today, hyung?' Jake asked. 'No.. I have saw him before as well...but Didn't knew, he is your brother Jakey' Heeseung said. 'Want me to help?' Jake said to Heeseung, who got shocked at what Jake said. 'Are you actually leting me have some time with your brother?' Heeseung asked. 'Hyung, I know you very well... And... It's okay for me if it's you who is gonna be my brother's mate' Jake said. 'Btw, hyung... Wanna come over to my house, tomorrow?' Jake asked. 'Sure..' Heeseung said.

(Time skip🕒, the next day🌅) __

It's the weekend, means Niki can sleep for hours. He was sleeping peacefully on his bed, all alone. But... That was until his brother thought to wake him up, 'Niki, Wake up!' Jake said. 'But,'s the weekend, why did you have to wake me up so fast!' Niki asked, when he saw that it was only 6 o'clock in the morning. 'Sorry Niki... But, my bestfriend is coming over and I need to buy somethings for that. I might take a long time. So you will have to stay up for that' Jake said. 'Oh?...Then fine...I will go get changed...' Niki said and got up from his bed, and starts to do his morning routine. After some times, Niki got out of his room and walks to the down stairs. He walks to the kitchen room & saw that there was a bowl of noddles in the table, probably Jake has made that for him. When he got closer he saw a sticky note on the table,


''Eat this, duckie! I am gonna stay there for probably hours, so pls open the door if my bff comes, his name is Lee Heeseung and I have send a pic of him to you. So that, you wouldn't feel scared to open the door, without knowing their face''

-- Your Jakey Hyung


|(^ This is what were written on the sticky note)|. 'Does he thinks, that I am a 5 years old kid!? Why would I be scared?.....' Niki thoughts. 'But... He is right actually...' Niki said, already a bit scared to meet with someone unknown.


His phone ringed, as he opened it and saw that Jake has sent a photo. He taped in the notification.

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