My Tutor - Sunki (Requested)

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'Hello! I am Jayla' --- Jake


Requested by P0ek1e


[Hey! Hope all are fine:).. So I finally came back with another oneshot which is requested.. Sorry for my absence, but actually I had some health issues.. Thats why, I couldn't upload anything.. But, I am recovering from it now :).. Anyways hope u will like it!]


'Niki.. What happened to you.. Normally your good on English. But when it's the exam time, you get bad marks on your English test.. If you keep going on like this, your not gonna graduate.. I will call a home tutor for you, and thats it. I am not changing my mind!' Niki's mom told him, making him widen his eyes at the mention of a tutor. 'Wait- WHAT! Mom, I don't need a tutor. I can study by myself!' Niki said not wanting a tutor for him. 'I won't listen to you any longer. I said you will have tutor & thats it!' His mom said & leaves the room. Niki was pouting out of anger, but he can't do anything now. He just signs and lays down on his bed & falls to his dreamland.

(Time skip at school🏫) __

'Auntie actually took the right decision' Jungwon said. Ofc, Niki got annoyed by that, even his bestfriend is taking his mom's side. 'Seriously, hyung! You think that having a tutor is a good idea?!' Niki said in a annoyed tune. 'You, dummy. If you don't study well, your not gonna graduate. Plus, this is the last year. So, ofc you need to study hard for this year' Jungwon said & smacked the younger's head. 'Oww! That hurts!.. And your sounding like my mom now..' Niki said & pouted. 'Let's just go to our class, it's gonna be start soon' Jungwon said & already walks away, leaving Niki behind. 'Hey! Atleast wait for me?!' Niki yells & runs after Jungwon.

(Time skip🕒) __

'Niki, why are you bumping on everyone? Walk carefully..' Jungwon said to Niki. 'How can I walk carefully, when I am on a big depression-' Niki said but bumped again. 'Ouch..' Niki whined. The one who he bumped into gives Niki his hand to help the younger get up. Niki looks up & got speechless, 'Why did I even have to bump into him, out of all people! The top student' Niki thoughts & slowly takes the older's hand & gets up. 'So, Mr. Nishimura? What depression your in right now?' The older boy asked, raising one eyebrow at Niki. Niki gives a nervous laugh, 'I- it's Nothing, M- mr. Kim Sunoo..' Niki said to Sunoo. 'Hmm.. The last time I remember, you were in a depression cuz you couldn't hangout in class time.. Isn't it, huh? So which type of depression are you in right now?...' Sunoo asked, smirking at the part when he said Niki couldn't go out in class time. And how much Niki wants to punch that smirk off of his face. 'Uh.. I am not in a depression! I was never! J- Jungwon hyung.. Let's go to our class now...' Niki nervously laughs & says. 'Wait.. Before you go, better remember that I am keeping an eye on you to see if your going anywhere in class time.. Miss Nishimura Riki' Sunoo said & winked at the younger with a smirk, before going out of their sight. 'Wow, Niki. How did you turned into a strawberry?' Jungwon said & started to laugh at the blushing younger. Niki was totally speechless. 'I- is he
F- flirting or something?' Niki asks. But he didn't get any answer for it.

(Time skip, next day at home🏠) __

Today is a weekend, so Niki is just laying on his bed. But, suddenly his mom enters the room. 'Niki, get ready. Your home tutor will be here in an hour' Mrs. Nishimura said, before leving. 'Yeahhh.. Hell is gonna start soon. I wonder, who could it be?' Niki thoughts before going to get freshen up. After he gets freshen up, he walks to his closet to pick up a good dress to wear. 'Hmm..I should  wear this..' Niki told to himself geting out a outfit for him & wears it.

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