Hickey Prank - Heeki (Requested)

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~°|(Y'all better don't think that it has smuts)|°~

'Itzy sunbaenim not shine' --- Sunghoon

Requested by Pumakiki


Pumakiki unnie.. You said you want heeki & it can be on anything, so I thought to make this for u :)

It's been 2 years that Niki & Heeseung is dating. They are a sweet couple. Both cares for eachothers, loves eachothers and the both of them knows it. A funny thing is that, they both likes to tease or pull pranks on eachothers alot. Mostly Niki is the one, who pulls pranks to do on the older. Yes they are a couple, but when it comes to doing something on eachother, they becames eachother's enemy, that who can pull the best prank. Wanna hear some stories of them pulling pranks on eachother? Ofc, you do!^^ So let me share some of them...


(Story one : scare him prank)

Niki was peacefully sleeping, knowing that tomorrow is the weekend. So he can sleep as much as he want. But he got waken up by a not so loud sound. 'Whats that sound?' Niki said, gets up & sits on the bed. He looked around & saw that Heeseung wasn't beside him. 'I guess he went to drink some water or something' He thoughts. He then looks at the clock, it's 4:00 am. It's still so dark in the outside. He didn't think much about the sound, and just went back to sleep. But again he heard another sound, it was a bit loud & scary. The sound was like a sound of ghost. He got abit scared. But didn't show it. He just went back to sleep, wraping the comfy comforter all around his body. After mins, another sound was heard and this time it was clearly heard, that it's an ghost's noise. Niki started to get scared, he looked around. He saw the window doors was open, the curtains was moving, then when he looked at the door of the bedroom he saw it was slowly opening. It made him more scared. Then he saw a bit of lights were coming from the outside of the door. The light was first turned into white then again turned into red. And those scary sounds were heard again. He could hear footsteps were coming. It was geting closer. 'Boo!' He heard & screamed. Niki tightly closed his eyes & hugged himself. 'PLS DON'T DO ANYTHING TO ME!!' He screamed. But after waiting for some secs. He looked up & saw it's Heeseung who was standing on the doorstep trying not to laugh. Niki got mad & pouted. 'Hyung, WHAT THE HELL! So it was your plan?... I could have get a heartattack.. Huhh! I hate you so much!' Niki said, and looked at the other way from Heeseung, while puting his hands on his hips. Meaning that how much angry he got. 'Heheh.. Sorry Niki-ah.. But I did this to you, because the last time you were the one who scared me after turning off all the lights & making me scared' Heeseung explained why he did this. 'Hyung.. That was normal.. But what was this! I am not gonna forgive you for this..' Niki said & layed down at the bed but turned the other side pretends to sleep. 'Aigooo! My baby is mad at me.. What can I do to make him forgive me!' Heeseung dramatically said. Then, he also layed at the bed. Niki felt that Heeseung was doing nothing, so he thought that the older was sleeping without doing anything to him. He got kinda upset abt it, he thought to look back. And thats it, he made a bad decision. He shouldn't have looked around. Guessing why? Well, when he looked around he saw Heeseung deeply staring at his soul. Niki was about to turn back, but it was too late. Heeseung made him turn to him, and softly holds Niki's chin so that the younger wouldn't look anywhere else. He came closer and leaves kisses all over the younger's face, making the younger blush. 'I am sorry darling. I wouldn't pull any prank that are related to scary things again, okay?' Heeseung said. 'Now will my baby duckling gonna forgive his hyungie?' Heeseung added. 'Idiot..' Niki mubbles. 'Just give me cuddles' Niki said. And Heeseung did what the younger wanted.

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