The first step

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[P.O.V. Blade]

After walking for hours, the others had decided to find a hiding place not far from the river where Karma had swum before. As usual, as soon as they set up camp, I made sure of Violet's safety and distanced myself from them, finding shelter near the river. The night was mostly quiet, and despite not closing my eyes, I still managed to rest for a few minutes so as not to collapse completely. When the sun rose, I yawned from the immense fatigue I carried. It had been almost three days since I could get a decent sleep every time I tried to relax, a noise brought me back to alertness.

As if on cue, a noise caught my attention at that moment. I immediately got up, going on the defensive, but when Glaceon made her appearance, I immediately relaxed, smiling weakly.

"Good morning, Blade, sleep well," she greeted me with a smile.

"Morning, Crystal. All good with you?" I replied, trying to hide my obvious fatigue. Glaceon answered with a quick nod before continuing.

"You know, today it would be Joel and me going in search of breakfast, but today I'd prefer to be on my own for a bit," she explained briefly.

From her words, I was sure that something had happened between them, but I didn't dare to inquire, although I could still make some assumptions about what had occurred.

"And so, I thought maybe you could keep me company, so we could talk a bit. What do you say?" Again, her invitation seemed more like an order than an offer, so I accepted.

However, when I stood up, I stumbled due to exhaustion, falling to the ground with a thud.

"Are you okay?" Crystal asked, approaching me.

"Yeah, sorry, just tripped. I'm fine," I quickly affirmed, getting up immediately. She looked at me for a moment with a suspicious look, studying my expression.

I sighed with relief when she finally stopped scrutinizing me, returning to a normal expression.

"So, shall we?" she urged, gesturing with her head.

Without needing to be told twice, I ran to her side, starting to look for berries for breakfast. Fortunately, I had been prudent the night before and had spotted some berry trees while looking for a place to sleep. This, of course, allowed us to gather more berries than necessary, giving us more time to talk.

"Tell me, how do you feel being with us?" The question took me by surprise. I didn't want to hurt her by saying I was only with them for Violet, but I also didn't want to lie. Fortunately, she must have read my conflicted expression, understanding how I truly felt.

After exchanging a knowing look, we headed towards the source of the sound.

"Don't worry, it's not that bad," affirmed the first Pokémon, a female yellow Meowstic, while cheerfully humming a tune, with her front paws resting behind her head. The second Meowstic, a male judging by his voice tone, looked incredulously at the girl before responding.

"Not that bad? Are you kidding?"

The girl turned to him, walking backward.

"And what's so dangerous?"

"Ah, I don't know, Dark, Ghost, Bug-type Pokémon. Just to name a few that are most dangerous for us, of course," the guy listed, keeping count with his fingers.

"Hello, everything okay?" Crystal asked, finally showing herself to the two. I leaned slightly forward, letting most of my body be hidden by Glaceon. The female Meowstic didn't even have time to speak when the male screamed in fear when his gaze fell on me.

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