The red-ringed umbreon

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[P.O.V. Sakura]

<<Kill them!>> As soon as the Gengar uttered those words, all the ghost-type Pokémon attacked mercilessly.
Joel and Liam did their best to keep them at bay, but despite knowing how to fight, it was clear that the opponents were superior to them.
The Haunter took advantage of the confusion generated by the fight to get around the two boys and reach my sisters and me.

When my gaze met hims, I gave a gasp, jumping backwards and doing my best to hide behind Crystal, Violet followed me too, visibly terrified of those Pokémon.
Instantly Crystal positioned herself growling at the ghost Pokémon.
<<Don't you dare come near!>> She yelled, then using Ice Shard.
Pieces of ice appeared in front of her, flying towards her opponent.

The Haunter, however, disappeared into the ground, avoiding the ice crystals and reappearing behind the Glaceon, preparing to then strike her with Shadow Punch.
Crystal was taken aback and could not avoid the blow.
Crystal flew off, hitting the wall and then fell to the ground.
I immediately ran to her side, worried about her health, as Karma tried to distract the Haunter.
<<Don't worry, I'm fine >> She reassured me, getting up weakly.
<<How the hell are they so strong?>> She continued.
<<It's the full moon! It makes ghost-types stronger>> Joel yelled as he was hit squarely by one of the ghost-types.

I stood there, watching the horrific scene of my friends, my family being annihilated.
Although Joel and Liam were excellent fighters, even with the help of my sisters, it was impossible for them to win this fight.
I cursed myself for not being able to fight, tears kept coming out of my eyes streaming down my face.
<<W... Why?>> I cried, feeling more useless than ever.
At that moment, Crystal dodged another attack by approaching me and speaking softly to me.
<<Saku listen carefully, you have to go to the Umbreon and cure him of the paralysis>> I winced hearing those words, the idea of going alone next to a dark guy, I didn't like at all, but when I saw Violet trembling scared in a corner I realized I had no choice.

I quickly ran to the cave where the Umbreon was with tears still flowing down my face.
As soon as I arrived, Blade became visibly concerned, probably understanding why I was standing there with tears in my eyes.
<<Please release me. I can save them!>> He stated, looking straight into my eyes.
I sobbed as I grabbed the Cherry Berry and walked over to him.
Now I didn't even care that he was a dark-type anymore, I didn't even care if he killed me, all I wanted was for him to help my family.

I dropped the berry next to him and he immediately started eating it.
<<P...please, my>> I cried looking at the ground as he finished the berry and was cured of his paralysis.
He then gently placed his paw on my head in an attempt to comfort me, and when I looked up at him, I was amazed at what I saw.
In front of me was the same Umbreon as before, but for some reason now he seemed much bigger and more confident, his face had a serious and reassuring look and his rings were of a color never seen before, blood-red.

I squeaked slightly, scared by the boy who looked at me softly.
<<Sakura right? I won't hurt you, I promise, but please tell me where Violet is, I can't lose her.
For me, she is just as important as your family is for you>> Although his words were calm, they hid a deep pain which I decided not to investigate, limiting myself instead to a nod of the head.

I quickly ran out of the cave with Blade just behind me, heading to the scene of the fight.
As soon as we were within earshot, Blade snapped, in the blink of an eye he was able to pass me with impressive speed, thus reaching the cave before me and throwing himself inside it without hesitation.
Once inside, he immediately pointed to Banette, who had managed to corner Crystal, Violet and Karma.

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