Separate ways

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[P.O.V. Karma]

"We need to find shelter, there's going to be a terrible storm tonight" Joel's voice was serious as he scanned the clouds, which had turned even darker since that morning.

"Yeah, I don't want to be caught without shelter when it starts raining" Liam affirmed, also looking terrified at the sky.

"What's the matter? The little fire-type afraid of getting his fur wet?" I teased, eliciting a laugh from Blade.

"You know perfectly well that water is dangerous for me" He retorted.

"Yeah, sure, he has a Vaporeon as a girlfriend but is afraid of a little autumn rain" I remarked.

"That's not just a little rain, Karma, it's a full-blown storm" Crystal intervened without being asked.

"There, she killed the mood" I sighed, shaking my head in annoyance.

"I can reignite it if you want" Liam approached me with a smirk, small flames escaping his mouth.

"Try even touching me with a flame, and I swear I'll douse you with so much water that you'll have to jump into a volcano to warm up again" Liam shook his head, knowing perfectly well I wouldn't hurt him, at least not that much, and I smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"I still haven't figured out if they hate each other or love each other" Blade wondered, probably unaware he was speaking aloud.

"Is there a difference?" I replied with an innocent smile.

"Well, I think so. I've never been in love, but I believe loving someone means always protecting them, always be by the side of the Pokémon you love and wanting their unconditional happiness" My smile faltered at Blade's words when I heard Joel grumble irritably and quicken his pace to distance himself further from us.

"Well, yes, it's that, but it's also much more" Liam tried to explain, approaching me even closer.

"Loving also means accepting the other and desiring their company. I could never imagine spending an entire night without Karma"

"Yes, but you're obsessive, so you don't count" Liam rolled his eyes at my retort, trying to suppress his laughter.

"There's a cave!" Crystal shouted, drawing the group's attention to a small indentation in the rock.

With a leap, Joel approached to take a look, then shook his head disapprovingly.

"Too small. Even two Pokémon alone would struggle to fit in there" He affirmed, turning worriedly towards Crystal.

"Let's keep moving" Glaceon's voice was drowned out by a loud boom caused by thunder not far from our position.

We all jumped in fear. Crystal and Joel mostly pretended to ignore it, I huddled closer to Liam, seeking comfort in his fur, which he was more than willing to provide. Violet had curled up even more on Crystal's back, trying to shield herself from the cold. Blade, on the other hand, remained impassive, too busy watching Sakura trembling like a leaf about to fall.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, and she immediately nodded vigorously without looking at us.

When we found a cave, the storm had already unleashed its fury. The sky continued to fill with lightning and thunder crashing loudly on the ground. The rain, dense and treacherous, hit us like a thousand needles, making it difficult to see where we were going.

"Finally!" Liam yelled, dropping to the cave floor, and trying to raise his body temperature to dry off faster.

"Yeah, it's becoming a real hell out there" Joel said, shaking off the water and grumbling about having his fur wet.

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