The clearing

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[P.O.V. Crystal]

It had been an entire day since the guys returned without Violet. As soon as they got back, Blade expressed his desire to leave immediately, but Ricky convinced him to wait at least a day before making any decisions, just to recover the energy lost during the battle.

While waiting, I tried to approach the Umbreon to talk to him, but every attempt proved futile. Even Karma wouldn't talk to me, and Sakura seemed to always hide behind Blade whenever I tried to apologize for what I had said.

In the end, I gave up, limiting myself to staring at the floor every time the group gathered. Joel received the same treatment, being ignored by most of the group, but unlike me, he didn't seem to care at all.

Blade remained gloomy the entire time, nothing could make him smile, and he spent most of his time locked in his room. His bad mood had also affected Sakura, who seemed more and more downhearted, refusing even to eat.

"I've decided to leave today" stated the dark type, making me jump at the announcement. I found myself looking at the group gathered in a circle in the middle of the room. Joel was next to me as usual, impassive and serious. Liam was obviously on one of the beds next to Karma, and the same went for Blade and Sakura, who seemed almost like brother and sister.

Ricky had also joined the group along with Yuki. He was currently leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as usual, while Yuki sat on another bed nearby with her legs crossed.

"Are you sure? Isn't it a bit too dangerous?" Ricky asked.

"Yeah, wouldn't it be better to stay here a bit longer? We could use some time to recover our strength, it's been tough days for all of us. Besides, whoever is in that forest is surely setting a trap for us"

Blade shook his head at Liam's statement, standing up and taking a step forward.

"I can't wait any longer. I've already wasted too much time and have almost lost Violet too many times. I need to save her and bring her home as soon as possible"

"The cave has collapsed, even if you save Violet, how do you plan to get through?" Blade immediately turned towards the Zeraora without showing any hesitation.

"Through the forest. It's the fastest way, right? And besides, I'd have to enter it to find Violet anyway!"

"Well, yes, actually it is" Yuki nodded uncertainly, but I immediately jumped up, worried.

"What!? That's exactly where the Greninja wanted to take Violet. You can't throw yourself into the wolf's den. What if you fall into a trap?" I said, genuinely concerned.

Blade turned abruptly, striking the ground with a paw and looking at me with hollow eyes.

"In that case, I'll kill anyone who tries to touch her"

"Then I'm coming with you" Karma gasped upon hearing Liam say those words.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked, incredulous.

"I'm going with Blade, it seems obvious, doesn't it?"

"No, Liam, I can't let yo," Blade interrupted him, but the fire type just shook his head, chuckling, and then, standing up, placed a paw on the Umbreon's shoulder.

"You're like family to me now, Blade, and if a member of my family needs help, I'll be there"

Blade didn't respond for a good minute, and when he seemed to have found the words, Sakura spoke up, making everyone jump at the sudden voice.

"I want to come too!"

My gaze immediately landed on the Espeon, more incredulous than ever. Sure, she had gotten close to Blade over the past few days, but I never expected her to speak without her usual shyness, let alone show such confidence in her voice.

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