Predestined meeting

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{Before starting I wanted to ask you to listen to this song imagining it a bit like the intro of a series or an anime, obviously in addition to the intro there will also be the outro. Let me know if you like the idea, so I know whether to continue it in the following chapters}

{I chose this song as an intro as it fits perfectly with the protagonists and the themes of the story. Obviously, the same goes for the outro. I hope you enjoy them.}

[P.O.V. Sakura] 

The forest was silent, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of the wind that occasionally rose and froze everything it touched.
<<Are you okay Saku?>> I slowly turned to Glaceon who was looking at me with a worried expression.
<<Y...yes, I'm just a little cold, big sister>> I said trembling. Crystal offered me a sympathetic look, using her tail to draw me closer to her. Without thinking twice I hugged her letting her fur warm me, it was amazing how even though she was an ice type, her fur still managed to be warm enough not to freeze me.

My gaze then fell on Karma, a Vaporeon, who was muttering to herself.
<<Oh, wait for me to put my paws on him and you'll see! This time he will pay me with his life!>> She kept babbling, hitting the ground with her front paws at every step. Concerned, I looked at Crystal who responded by giving me a lick on the forehead to calm me down and then turned to Karma.

<<Karma I think that's enough, you're scaring your sister >> She called her back. Karma turned to look at me and when she saw me visibly worried she immediately calmed down, slowing down her pace to approach me.
<<I'm sorry sis, it's just that sometimes Liam really pisses me off>> She confessed, joining the hug between me and Crystal.

Liam was Karma's boyfriend, a Flareon troublemaker and always in battle with the Vaporeon. I honestly had no idea how they got together, he was brave and honest, sure, but Karma was insane. My younger sister's ability to change character instantly was both exhilarating and frightening. Crystal, on the other hand, was different, the characteristic that most distinguished her from the others was her calmness, she managed to instill confidence in anyone who listened to her.

Although I didn't like the idea of blaming the poor Flareon, I had to admit that my sister was right, after all, if we had wandered aimlessly for hours in that wood it was only Liam's fault.
<<W... why do you keep saying you want to hurt him if you never do it?>> I asked Karma who suddenly blushed on hearing my question.
<<I know, I know that sometimes I exaggerate but I can't help it, even though he drives me crazy I can't hate him>> Jealousy started to grow in me when I saw her eyes shine when she thought about her boyfriend. I wasn't jealous of Liam, I was jealous of their relationship, I loved my sisters of course but not a day went by without dreaming of having someone just for me, someone who loved me as I was, someone who appreciated my flaws like my shyness. 

I sighed as I snuggled even closer against Crystal's fur, adoring how soft and silky she was. After a few more minutes of walking, we were all three tired of walking aimlessly. <<Crystal, I... I can't take it anymore>> I stated, leaning even more on the Glaceon.
<<Yes, I'm tired too, can we take a break?>> Karma agreed. Crystal nodded to her as she lay down next to a tree trunk and motioned for us to lie down with her.

Obviously I didn't get the invitation repeated twice and immediately jumped into the Glaceon's lap trying to make myself as small as possible, Karma instead limited herself to lying next to us sighing sadly.
<<I'm worried about that idiot>> Crystal smiled at the Vaporeon, giving her a loving kiss on her forehead.
<<Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine, after all he's a strong and courageous Pokémon. I'm sure Joel will have already found it >> She stated, trying to do her best to calm her down.

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