Dark presences

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[P.O.V. ???]

Silently, I moved behind some bushes, doing my best to hide my huge and cumbersome red wings behind my long, sleek body. My claws dug into the ground with every step as I followed my brother through the forest. Julian must believe I'm still in the cave, curled up under my wing and completely asleep. He proceeded without fear, unaware that I was actually tailing him.

Since the incident, his once sweet and gentle demeanor had turned cold and distant. It seemed like he was afraid to tell me what was happening. He kept reassuring me that everything would be fine and that, somehow, we would return home one day. While he comforted me, the dull tone he used only fueled my doubts. But that night, I would finally uncover the truth about what he was up to.

I continued to follow him, step by step, being careful not to make too much noise until he stopped. In front of him, the much denser vegetation formed areas as black as pitch, aided by the darkness of the night, creating real black holes.

"Are you here?" he asked, his voice muted and slightly trembling. For a moment, I thought I had been discovered, but when another voice replied, I changed my mind.

"Of course," another voice sang, this one much hoarser and more lugubrious.

Initially, I was perplexed about where he came from, but then, leaning slightly beyond the bushes, I managed to catch a glimpse of it. In total darkness, a tall creature stood, his body partially hidden by the darkness, making it impossible to see its appearance clearly.

Two blood-red eyes stood out from the blackness, both of which seemed almost amused at the sight of my brother.

"Have you found her?" The creature smiled again at Julian's question, revealing sharp teeth and a wicked gaze.

"Of course, they're coming up the river. If you give me permission, I could bring them to you right away."

"No!" Thundered my brother.

"We both know that the only thing you'd bring me in that case would be some bones and maybe one of those damn monsters you create, which are of no use to me." The creature laughed heartily at Julian's statement. Then, when my brother continued, he stopped laughing, limiting itself to a mocking smile.

"Did you find that Pokémon I asked you about?" Even before he finished the sentence, the creature widened his smile even more.

"Already done, and I must say, I expected much more from a renowned hunter of dark-type Pokémon. He disappointed me."

"Did you harm him?"

The creature shook his head, laughing even more vigorously.

"Of course not! I didn't even think about hitting him. I just... convinced him."

"I told you that..."

The creature emerged from the shadows, towering over my brother, who, despite being a huge Pokémon, was still insignificant compared to the enormous Pokémon in front of him. Its claws, long and sharp as its teeth, gleamed under the moonlight, and its cloak, as black as pitch, shone with its own light, despite various patches of unidentified nature scattered on it.

The build, very similar to that of a Zoroark, made he seem much taller when standing on two legs and much more savage when on all fours.

"Do you have a problem with my methods of persuasion, Dragon?"

I trembled like a leaf at its voice, now much hoarser and threatening, but my brother remained impassive, staring him straight in the eyes.

"Yes, when your passion for psychological torture seriously jeopardizes my entire plan! I've already explained to you why that Eevee is so..."

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