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[P.O.V. Liam]Silently I managed to get out of the cave without waking anyone, I loved getting up early to get some exercise and looking for some berries for breakfast along the way.I looked around, taking a deep breath, I loved the smell of early morning dew, it was one of the few things that made me smile, besides Karma, of course.
<<I hope to find some Kelpsy Berry, Karma loves them >> I thought, fantasizing about the happy face of the Vaporeon as she ate her favorite berry.While walking with my head in the clouds, I ended up running into Blade. The Umbreon had his back turned and didn't seem to notice me.
<<Good morning Blade!>> The Umbreon literally jumped in place, turning around in fear and preparing to fight.
<<Hey calm down, I don't want to hurt you man>> I took a step back, raising a paw in an attempt to show him that I didn't want to attack him.After a few seconds, he shook his head, relaxing and looking at me sheepishly.
<<Sorry, you caught me off guard >> He stated.
<<I see, I didn't think I was so good at sneaking up. As you can see I still have many hidden talents>> I joked, unleashing my best smile. The Umbreon didn't laugh though, remaining with a blank look on his face.
<<Hey, are you sure you're okay? You look exhausted>> He immediately nodded his head, rubbing his eyes. I thought he was still down about what had happened the day before, and so I came up with an idea to help distract him.

<<Hey, how about you come with me in search of something to eat?>> I proposed.Blade took a moment to think about my offer before sheepishly accepting.With a smile, I started leading the way through the woods. Initially we both fell silent, not knowing what to say, at least until Blade broke the silence.
<<So, what exactly are we looking for?>>
<<Berries, of any kind, as long as they are not rotten. I'm sorry, maybe you preferred meat?>> His eyes widened when he heard my words.
<<No, I've never eaten another Pokémon>>
<<Never!? I thought dark-types were carnivores>>He shook his head in response before continuing.
<<No, actually we are omnivores like many other Pokémon, and then the mere idea of killing another Pokémon bothers me>> For the second time in that conversation I found myself looking at him in disbelief. There were a lot of things we took for granted about dark-types that weren't actually true.

<<So, we are looking for berries, any berries in particular?>> He asked.
<<If we could find a Kelpsy Berry it would be great, Karma loves them! It would be nice to find some Pecha Berry too, Crystal and Sakura are crazy about them, unfortunately in this period of the year they are quite rare>>
<<Then we should go near the river, there should some>>He made it easy, but finding a river wasn't as easy as it seemed.
<<Yes, but the problem is finding one>>What he said next caught me completely off guard.
<<Actually there is a river nearby>>I turned to him, amazed at his response, but before I could ask him how he knew, he caught me on the spot.
<<Last night I made an inspection and I saw the river, it's not very far from here>>
<<And you tell me like that!? You are my savior!>> I yelled, grabbing him and pulling him into a hug. When I let him go, he was completely stunned and visibly embarrassed. I didn't give much thought to it, and so I urged him to take me to the river.

[P.O.V. Blade]

Almost compelled, I accompanied the vivacious Flareon towards the river, happy to have been useful to him. He was a little hyperactive for my taste, but it wasn't bad.Once we got to the river, Liam immediately ran towards the water, looking along the river for some berries. Instead, I spotted a Lum Berry tree and approached it, hitting it with my hind legs and knocking down some of the berries. Once gathered in one spot, I approached the Flareon puzzled to see him still without a Kelpsy Berry.

<<You didn't find them?>> I asked him.He shook his head desperately, then pointed to the riverbed.
<<There are some there in the water, but I can't take them>> He stated. I looked at him puzzled, not understanding why he couldn't just dive.
<<I'm a fire type, remember? Entering the water is dangerous for me, I would risk lowering my body temperature too much, and I would risk dying>> I felt like a fool, it was obvious that was the reason, I could get there easily.I looked at the Flareon visibly saddened that he couldn't make his mate happy. I couldn't leave him like this, I had to help him.

<<Then I'll take them for you>> I said and, without waiting for an answer, I dived into the water. As soon as my body touched the body of water, my fur stood up from the cold. The water was freezing, I was surprised it hadn't frozen already.As fast as I could, I swam towards the seabed by biting into the stems of the berries to tear them. Although I was a good swimmer, the current was still a big problem and I only managed to catch a couple of Berries before being forced to climb back up.

Once back on shore I dropped the berries to the ground then trembling like a leaf.
<<Man, it's freezing!>>
<<Of course, it's cold! I tried to warn you, but you didn't give me the time>> He stated running towards me to hug me to use his warmth to raise my body temperature. As soon as his fur touched me, I was overwhelmed by his softness. No wonder Karma always kept him close.
<<Better?>> She asked me and I nodded my head.
<<Well, now we only need some Pecha Berries for Crystal and Sakura, we look for them going back>> He stated, grabbing the berries we had recovered and heading back towards the cave.

Luckily for us, we managed to find a Pecha berry tree and, although most of the berries were rotten, we managed to find four berries that were still good.I happily picked them up and handed the extra berry to Liam.He looked at me puzzled, pushing back the berry.
<<Oh no, this is yours, it's my thanks for helping me>> He affirmed, smiling at me, then continuing to walk towards the cave.

Once we arrived, we found Joel waiting for us at the entrance. Initially, when he saw Liam he was happy, but when his gaze fell on me his expression became one of complete disgust.
<<Where have you been? Did something happen?>> He asked. Despite his worried tone, it was obvious that he was actually insinuating that I had somehow hurt Liam.
<<Oh no, of course not, mate! We went to collect breakfast. This one's for you!>> He smiled at Liam, handing him a handful of Lum berry. I did my best to avoid eye contact, then followed Liam into the cave.
<<Good morning to all, sleepyheads!>> He yelled, attracting the attention of the whole group who returned the greeting. As soon as I entered the cave I was immediately attacked by Violet who hugged me tightly.

<<I missed you!>> >he screamed, wagging her tail so hard that she was afraid her tail might come off.
<<I accompanied Liam to get breakfast>> I explained, giving her a couple of berries and finally handing her the Pecha Berry.
<<And that's because you're a good puppy>> As soon as he saw the berry, a slight high-pitched sound emerged from her lips as she hugged me with renewed vigor.
<<I adore you, I adore you, I adore you!>> She yelled, then diving on the huge berry.I then turned to Crystal, who smiled at me, happy to know that the speech of the previous evening had taken effect.I took one of the three remaining berries and handed it to Glaceon.
<<I wanted to thank you for last night and, well, I thought you might like this>> She smiled at me as she approached me and wrapped me in a sweet hug.
<<Thank you, that's very sweet of you >> She stated, making me blush and making Sakura wince.

I shook my head and then moved towards Sakura handing her the berry as well.
<<I'm sorry about last night, I didn't mean to act like that, I really hope you'll forgive me>>While I was saying that sentence, my eyes met hers, and I was paralyzed by the beauty of them. I don't know how long we stared at each other, but we were both brought back to reality by the Glaceon giving the Espeon a gentle push.
<<How do you say it?>> Espeon looked at her sister as if she was trying to figure out what she meant. Finally, she turned back to me.
<< T...thank >> She said shyly, blushing, then lowering her head to take a bite of the berry.
<<Do you eat with us?>> Crystal asked, making me a sign to sit next to them. For some reason, it felt more like an order than an invitation.

[P.O.V. Sakura]

I smiled happily as I observed the juicy berries in front of me, lingering in particular on the pink colored berry that Blade had given me. Ever since I was little, that had always been my favorite berry, but the fact that it was Blade who gave it to me somehow made it even tastier in my eyes.

Ignoring all the other berries, I immediately threw myself on my coveted treasure, savoring his delicious juice bite after bite. Before I knew it, however, I finished the berry emitting a moan of sadness when, thinking there was still some, I bit the air hard.Sadly, I lowered my gaze to the other berries, but then Blade approached me, placing his berry in front of my paws.

As soon as I realized what he was doing, I tried to say something, but when my gaze met his I froze in place.A strange sensation started to build in my stomach, with my cheeks starting to glow.Being this close to him was scary, yet somehow it was like I couldn't help it. The very idea of touching him shocked me, I had always been afraid of touching anyone but my sisters, even Joel and Liam had never touched me before, but with him, for some reason, it was different.

Uncertain, I looked at Crystal, who gave me a slight smile, urging me to eat.I shifted my gaze to the new berry as I approached it to take a bite.The taste was even better than the previous one, and I almost let out a squeak of happiness.Piece by piece, I ate the berry and finished the rest of my breakfast.

[P.O.V. Joel]

I stood and watched the Umbreon come out of the cave as if it were normal for him.How could Crystal allow someone like him to walk around us as if he were our friend? Everything about him cried out for danger, from that ghost-type group looking for him to his red rings, this alone should have been enough to warn them, yet the only one who understood it was me.

I watched as he carelessly adjusted his fur with his forepaw."I could kill him now, dark-types are weaker during the day" I thought, but the presence of the others was a problem. By now they had been captivated by that repulsive being and if I wanted to kill him I had to be careful, but that didn't stop me from threatening him and maybe convincing him to leave.So, I silently approached him, and strangely it took him a while to notice my presence.

<<Explain to me what you're thinking to do?>> He turned abruptly towards me, visibly taken aback and pretending not to understand what I was saying. His gaze alone made me want to glare at him right there.
<<Are you settling in? Do you think this is the right place for you?>> At that point, I had his fullest attention.
<<I don't want to hurt you...>> I immediately interrupted him.
<<"I don't want to hurt you". Sure, why not! Do you think I'm stupid? I know how people like you think, first they make you believe they are harmless and then at the first opportunity they stab you in the back>>
<<I'm not like that, you don't know me!>> He tried to defend himself by putting himself in a defensive position. At night, he might have looked scary, but at this time of day I could see just how scared he really was. I smiled as he slowly backed away, doing his best to look menacing.
<<But I know guys like you, on the other hand, dark-types aren't very different from ghost-types. What assures me you're not in cahoot with that Gengar?>>

For a moment I thought I saw his eyes glitter, and at that moment I knew I had him in hand. So, as soon as he tried to speak again, I snapped, pinning him to the ground and pointing a claw at his throat.
<<You can cheat others, but not me! I know what you are, and I won't let you harm the Pokémon I care about most. See to stay away from Crystal, and above all, never dare to even look at Sakura again, I swore I would protect them and I swear I will>> Just then Crystal's voice caught my attention and I immediately let go of my grip on the neck of the Umbreon, giving him one last warning look then walking towards Crystal as if nothing had happened.

As soon as I saw her, a huge smile appeared on my face, there were few Pokémon I really cared about and Crystal and Sakura were at the top of the list.
<<Joel, we're ready to go, have you seen Blade by any chance?>> I gasped at hearing that question.
<<No, surely it will be here somewhere >> I stated and as soon as I finished pronouncing that sentence, the Umbreon came out of the bush with a dull look on his face, I even thought I saw a gleam in his eyes. Evidently my warning had worked because, without even daring to look at Glaceon, he just spoke in a low, almost inaudible voice.
<<Hey, are you alright? >> The Glaceon asked with the Umbreon who answered with a simple nod of the head. Crystal turned to me puzzled, giving me a questioning look, and I did my best to look as innocent as possible.

Luckily for me, at that very moment the others also came out of the cave, allowing me to breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I would not have undergone an interrogation.
<<If you have found Kelpsy Berry then there must be a river, can we pass by it while we travel? I need a good swim. It's been too long since I took a dip and my skin is suffering from it>> Karma proposed, rubbing her head under Liam's chin. I didn't know what had happened, but surely Liam had managed to make up for running off to explore the woods by himself.Crystal agreed to Vaporeon's request then turned to Liam and Blade asking them to show the others the way.

[P.O.V. Karma]

<<Now it's much better!>> I screamed with happiness as I jumped in and out of the water. After a couple of jumps, I stopped moving, letting me float on the surface of the water.
<<What peace! Aren't you coming?>> I asked, looking at the group.Sakura didn't have to repeat it twice and after receiving a nod of agreement from her older sister, she ran to the water to wet her paws, she had never learned to swim and was too scared to try. Violet on the other hand, after receiving Blade's consent, dived into the water, starting to dart from one side of the shore to the other. Surprisingly, she was perfect at swimming, maybe one day she would become a Vaporeon too!

I knew full well instead that Liam and Joel would never go near the water source, Liam obviously because he was a fire type, Joel instead because he hated being wet, almost as much as he hated dark and ghost types... Or poison, or dragon. In fact, there were so many things Joel hated.

My gaze fell on Blade who was standing aside and seeing him immersed in his thoughts made me sad.He wasn't mean, he was just weird, and I liked him that way, with his air of mystery. Not as a boy of course, just as a Pokémon, it was interesting in short. Come on, a red-ringed Umbreon didn't show up every day!

<<Karma, are you there?>> Liam's voice pulled me out of my thoughts back to reality.
<<Sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts>>He looked at me with a mocking smile on his face before answering.
<<Oh really? And since when do you think?>>I felt boiling with anger, I could not believe that he had actually said such a thing.
<<You little... Do you have a death wish?>>Liam chuckled in amusement as Crystal shook her head.
<<Why don't you come for a swim?>> I smiled at him, threatening to spray a powerful jet of water in his face.
<<No, thanks, actually I'm fine here love. Thanks for the thought anyway>> Crystal shook her head again at the fire-type statement, finally speaking.
<<You know one day of these you will end up getting yourself killed?>>

Her attention then fell on the umbreon.
<<You instead Blade, is there a reason you avoid water?>>
<<Yeah, it is not that by chance you do not know how to swim?>> I continued with a mocking smile.He just shook his head with a hint of a slight smile.
<<No, actually I'm a good swimmer, I just don't know if I can...>> His gaze turned dark and, even if he didn't finish the sentence, it didn't take a genius to understand that the reason was us. But this was my moment to pull him into the group, and I knew very well how to do it.

Trying to ignore it, I approached Violet who gave me a questioning look.
<<Baby, I want to prank that curmudgeon of Blade, could you get him near the water for me?>> The Eevee's eyes lit up as she realized what I was going to do.
<<Leave it to me!>> She affirmed with a huge smile, then immediately heading towards the shore and calling Blade with the excuse of asking him something.

As soon as he was within range, I took the resort and jumped out of the water. I knew very well what kind of reflexes he had and so, to distract him from my true intent, I threw him a small jet of water. As I had expected, he managed to dodge it without problems by moving to the side, thus giving me the opportunity to push him into the water with ease.

His body collided with the water, sending various splashes in all directions. After a few seconds then, his head popped up from the surface, coughing slightly and looking in disbelief first at me and then at the little Eevee.
<<You cheated me, you're paying me for this one!>> He affirmed, jumping out of the water too and trying to grab us. I was faster and managed to avoid being grabbed. Unfortunately for Violet she didn't make it, and she ended up being swept into the water with him.

Once they resurfaced, the two began to play with each other as if they were father and son, they were adorable. If until then I had always feared dark-types, after watching that scene I would never again be able to see them as dangerous.

<<Look how they play with each other, they remind me of us you know, when we fell in love>> I turned to look at Liam who meanwhile was sitting next to me.
<<You are right>> I stated while another evil idea crossed my mind.
<<Why don't we repeat the scene?>> And with this I grabbed him, pulling him into the water with me under the incredulous looks of the others.

As soon as he re-emerged from the water, he immediately ran out of it, with me following him between laughter.
<<It's... it's freezing!>> He screamed, shaking like a leaf.
<< It's not that cold, it's just you who's a fire-type >> I didn't even finish the sentence that I burst out laughing again because of him completely wet fur.
<<I... I could d...die >> I shook my head, smiling at him softly.
<<I hate you, but I also love you and I would never have allowed you to abandon me like this>> I told him then giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

Just when my lips touched him, his cheek began to give off a strong heat, hot enough to immediately evaporate all the water, transforming his fur into a huge ball of hair.
<<It's hot, I'd better be careful if I don't want to melt>> Crystal joked, pretending to faint from the excessive heat that Liam was giving off and eliciting a laugh from the whole group, all except Joel who was left to observe on the sidelines. Everything was perfect, we were like a big family joking with each other without any problems.

But like everything, sooner or later it had to end, and obviously it was Joel who ended that moment.
<<That's enough, we have to move>> He stated, attracting everyone's attention.
<<Come on, it's not that someone is following us>> He blocked me with his gaze, resuming the word.
<<Actually, yes, a ghost-type group is following us because of those two, so we better get going>>He pointed with his head at the Umbreon and the Eevee who, in the channel, had come out of the water.
<<Then shall we go?>> He asked again, making us a sign to follow him.

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