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[P.O.V. Blade]

I woke up to Crystal's voice calling to me. I gasped as I stood up quickly, with the Glaceon grinning at me in amusement.
<<Good morning sleepyhead, aren't you used to waking up early?>> She joked while I rubbed my eyes, yawning. In reality, I had hardly slept at all, but I didn't want to show it to her.
<<Umbreons are nocturnal Pokémon, it's hard for us to wake up in the morning, but I really thank you for doing it>> She smiled at me again, approaching me to my surprise and placing a bunch of berries net to me.
<<Your breakfast>> she stated. I looked at her puzzled as she grabbed a couple more berries and started eating them.
<<Aren't... aren't you afraid of me?>>I asked. She looked at me like I was crazy.
<<Of course not, should I be scared of you just because you're a dark-type, even after you defended us last night? Absolutely not!>> She stated, looking straight into my eyes to reassure me that she meant it.

I stood for a few seconds looking at her beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't believe how serious she was, everyone who met me avoided me or always had an eye on me. The only exceptions were Violet and her parents.Once I had recovered from my astonishment, I was about to eat the berries she had given me.When I was done eating, the other members of the group appeared from the cave entrance, with Violet jumping off the Espeon's back and running towards me.

As soon as she reached me, she dived into my fur, holding me as best she could.
<<I missed you!>> She exclaimed as she savored the warmth and softness of my fur.
<<I missed you too, little girl. Did they treat you well, right?>> I asked her, squeezing her in return.
<<Yes, yes, they were very kind, especially Sakura!>> She stated. I turned making a sign of appreciation towards Espeon who, as soon as she saw me looking at her, she blushed squealing and trying to hide her embarrassment by hiding behind Karma and Crystal.

Liam then walked over to us, smiling friendly at me.
<<Hey man, so are you ready?>>I looked at him unsure of what he meant, trying to ask Crystal for help, who smiled at me before answering me.
<<You see, we are headed to Helianore, a small village on the road to Alexandra. So I thought that, instead of separating, we could continue together>>
<<Absolutely not! Those ghost type Pokémon are looking for me, I can't allow you to put yourselves in danger>>Crystal put a paw on my shoulder, sending a shiver down my spine.

<<And that's exactly why we decided, together, that it would be safer for all of us to stick together>> As Crystal spoke I could hear Joel muttering something only to be immediately silenced by a glare from the Glaceon who immediately resumed speaking.
<<As I was saying, despite what you believe, you are an Eeveelution like us and the Eeveelutions always stick together>> She finished.I felt a tear form in my eye as I heard her speak, but I did my best not to be moved by remaining serious and impassive.I thought about it for a second, was it safe for me to travel with them? Not only that, but I was still a dark type and obviously in that group there was someone who hated me, if not more than one. I looked perplexed at the others, and although they had a happy look on their faces, I could see how that smile was forced.

Obviously their closeness to me made them uncomfortable, denying it was impossible, so why did they want me to join them?Crystal's gaze became more sympathetic as she motioned me away with her to talk in private.With a nod, I followed her outside and started walking through the woods around the cave.
<<You see, actually we too have our problems. We come from a small village south of here, in a splendid plain surrounded by flowers and green meadows>> She began by describing the place to me. However, even though she was smiling, I could still feel the sadness in her voice.
<<One day, however, there was an attack, a group of poison type Pokémon attacked us. There was no battle, a full-blown massacre.As soon as I realized what was happening, I grabbed my sister and started running. If Liam and Joel hadn't been there, I think Saku and I would have died that day.We finally managed to escape and have been looking for a place to stay ever since. Among us, only Joel and Liam really know how to fight, if we get attacked, we will all surely die>> She ended, looking at me waiting for my answer.

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