Friends or foe?

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[P.O.V. Umbreon] 

 Slowly I began to open my eyes, moaning at the sensation of the light hitting my face from the cave, judging by the intensity it must have been late afternoon. When I was completely used to the lighting, I looked at the cave I was in, it wasn't very big and there didn't seem to be anyone nearby. Obviously, the first thing I did was look for my little Violet in the cave, but there was not even a shadow. I immediately tried to get up to look for her, but as soon as I moved my muscles an electric discharge ran through my whole body with small sparks coming out of my fur. I had been paralyzed.

Just then, a Jolteon appeared from the cave entrance, looking down on me with a look of superiority.
<<You finally woke up>> I immediately growled at him, trying to sound as threatening as possible but getting the opposite effect.
<<Hey let's calm you down Umbreon, you're paralyzed and there's not much you can do, sure you could attack me but in your current condition it would take little for me to kill you>> He smiled at me with a mocking look knowing he had a huge advantage over me. With no way out, I stopped growling but remained with a defiant look. 

<<Very well, now that we begin to understand each other. I was told not to hurt you and I won't hurt you, unless you obviously force me >> He affirmed then laying down in front of me crossing his front paws.
<<So, why don't you start by telling me your name?>> I remained silent continuing to observe him, if he believed that I would have spoken so easily he was very wrong. After a while, seeing no response from me, he rolled his eyes as he spoke again.
<<ok, so tell me, what were you doing in the woods with that Eevee?>> My eyes widened when I heard the name of the Eevee.
<<What have you done to Violet!?>> I yelled trying to get up only to suffer another shock from the paralysis. 

 <<It's not your problem! Now you told me her name, but you still haven't told me why you were in the woods together >> He stated, hoping to get some more information.
<<None of your business what we were doing>> I growled, trying to get up again, but this time in addition to the discharge of paralysis I also received a Thunder Shock from the Jolteon that forced me to emit a gasp of pain. The electric Pokémon stood up, visibly enraged by my aggression.
<<See to calm down!>> He yelled, as he walked out of the cave, visibly annoyed. 

 [P.O.V. Sakura] 

The Eevee's fur was fantastic, and I couldn't help but smile as I held the little one still asleep from me the day before. Crystal watched us, smiling lovingly, as she waited for Liam and Karma to return with some berries. At the entrance to the cave, however, a visibly enraged Joel showed up instead.<<What's going on?>> Crystal asked, standing up as she saw the Jolteon enter.
<<That Umbreon! It's like all dark types! Why can't I just kill him and end this story?? I'd be doing a favor to the entire world!>> I winced hearing the words of the Jolteon, the mere idea of taking someone's life made me sick to my stomach.

Crystal instead took a step forward, speaking in a confident voice.
<<I want to try to talk to him >> She stated without hesitation.

<<That Umbreon is a monster, talking to him won't solve anything>> Joel continued.
<< I still want to try >> he repeated the Glaceon then turning towards me.
<<Saku could you come too please? If he really saw you before passing out, then you might be useful to calm the situation>> I immediately let out a scared gasp at the mere idea of having to approach the Umbreon, even though in my heart I knew it wasn't dangerous, a part of me continued repeating that he was a Dark type and that he could hurt me at any time. 

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