The RR

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[P.O.V. Blade]

Slowly, I opened my eyes. My head was spinning, and it took me a moment to focus on my surroundings. My muscles throbbed, numb and sore.

In front of me, nestled in my shadow, was Sakura, her head resting against my chest. Confused, I tried to look around only to notice Espeon's paws tightly wrapped around my body, as if trying to block any escape route.

As I shifted, a disgruntled groan escaped the Pokémon's lips, and she moved closer, holding me even tighter.

Perplexed as to why she was embracing me, considering her fear of physical contact, I tried to recall what had happened the day before. I remembered losing the others in the storm, then bringing Sakura into this cave to protect her from the cold, and then? From the moment I instructed her to enter, it was an absolute blank.

My head throbbed with pain, and a shiver ran down my spine, causing me to tremble and inadvertently wake the Espeon beside me.

For a moment, she looked at me, blinking several times as if to comprehend whether this was a dream or not. Then, with a swift motion, she threw herself onto me, burying her head in my chest.

"You're alive! Oh, thank goodness, thank goodness!" She exclaimed, tears streaming down her cheeks. But before I could say anything, she continued speaking.

"When you passed out, I feared you were dead! I was so scared, Blade!" I gently enveloped her in my paws, and to my surprise, she allowed herself to be cradled in my embrace.

"It's okay, it's all over," I reassured her.

"Don't say that!" She screamed in response, her voice hoarse from embarrassment and anger.

"You said the same yesterday, and then you passed out! I don't want it to happen again!"

I chuckled at her statement, but when I saw her face, I realized that the matter was more serious than ever for her.

"Forgive me, I'll try not to let it happen again," I said softly.

"It better not" She muttered under her breath.

"Otherwise, I'll call Karma, and she... she will kill you" She continued. This time, however, I couldn't help but laugh at how unnatural it seemed for her to say such a thing. But this time, she joined in the laughter, though hers was more of a release than amusement.

After a while, I rolled out of the cave, making room for Sakura to exit as well. After all, we couldn't stay in that cave forever, and we had to find the others, who surely hadn't been at peace all this time.

With a determined look, I stood up, ready to set off in search of the rest of the group. But as soon as I put a paw on the ground, I fell back with a thud.

"Are you okay?" Espeon immediately asked, rushing to my side to check on my condition.

I tried to get up again, but as soon as I did, I collapsed once more with a sharp pain coursing through my body.

"You shouldn't get up" A male voice said, and we immediately turned towards that voice. A Lucario stood a few meters away from us, his gaze shifting from Espeon to me.

Sakura quickly retreated, trying to hide behind me as best she could.

I, of course, assumed a defensive stance, but in my current state, I didn't seem very threatening. So much so that the Pokémon in front of us stifled a laugh.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you. I want to help" He affirmed, approaching even closer.

"And what guarantees me that you're telling the truth?" I asked, and he chuckled, indicating a black band around his right arm.

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