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[P.O.V. Blade]

I was dragged out of the black vortex I found myself in when I heard someone knocking on the door. I abruptly opened my eyes, observing the cold and empty room. Next to me was Sakura, sleeping peacefully, her face relaxed with her head resting on my chest. I pushed away the thought of Violet and, gently laying Espeon's head on the bed, I moved towards the door, making sure to cover her with the blanket before leaving. Once at the door, I opened it to see a Vaporeon with a dull expression.

"Blade... I'm so sorry, I was looking for Sakura"

"She's sleeping" She flinched for a moment as if she did not believe my words, then shook her head and spoke again.

"Do you mind, well... talking a bit?"

I glanced back for a moment, but when I saw how much she needed it in her eyes, I could not refuse. I found myself walking through the field next to the Vaporeon, who remained silent for a while before speaking.

"So, you and Sakura..." I immediately buried my head, feeling my cheeks heat up under the black fur.

"No, we're nothing, just friends"

She smiled, letting out a small laugh.

"I didn't mean that. It is just that I've never seen my sister so... calm. She even managed Crystal's situation better than I thought. Better than me"

"Was that what you wanted to talk about?"

She nodded silently.

"Our older sister has always been a reference point for us, especially for Sakura. Despite living together, I always had Liam by my side, but she, she only had Crystal" Her voice trembled slightly as she continued.

"I have to thank you for... Well, for being here with us, with her"

"I'm not doing anything special" I said, feeling my face heat up. I was not used to such treatment and probably never would be. Just then, a shrill voice echoed in the silence, making me jump in surprise.

"Well, look who's here, little Blacky!" Both Karma and I turned towards the shiny Meowstic walking towards us. When she was a few meters away from us, she stopped, placing a paw on her side, and smiling at us with her white fur gleaming against the lemon yellow of her paws.

"My name is actually Blade" I muttered under my breath, but as soon as I said that Ivy chuckled.

"I know, but I find Blacky a cuter name for you, Blacky" I lowered my head embarrassedly as Karma stifled a laugh. Probably because of this, Ivy tilted her head to the side before continuing.

"And this girl here? Is she another of your girlfriends?" Karma burst into laughter when she saw my completely embarrassed expression.

"No, she's Karma..." I did not even have time to finish speaking before the Pokémon's shrill voice interrupted me.

"Crystal's sister! It's so nice to meet you, your sister has told me so much about you"

"Wait! You met Crystal!?" I almost yelled instantly. That one time we met, we did not talk at all about Karma or anything else, which meant she must have met her recently.

In response, the Pokémon nodded as if the news was obvious and of little importance.

"Of course, she's here" Karma flinched and almost paled as Ivy pointed with her paw to the medical building.

"Both she and Luise are in the infirmary. We were attacked by a Greninja, I thought you already knew"

Upon hearing those words, Karma rushed towards the building, and with a nod of apology to Ivy, I quickly caught up with the Vaporeon.

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