2. You Could Have Paged Me

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"Guys, I can't tell you how much this means. Alan's been waitin' for the invite ever since he got wind of the wedding." Tracy and Alan's father, Sid explained to us, as he lead us down to Alan's room.

"I'm sure he has." Stu responded, with a note of sarcasm. "Yeah, he's been standing outside by the mailbox every day." Sid told us, as I let out a sigh. "Damn.. that must be hard on him." I empathised.

"Wow, that's rough." Phil commented, rubbing his jaw, as Sid agreed. "I, uh, I'm not quite sure he ever left Vegas, you know? He really needs this." Sid informed, as he knocked on the door to Alan's room.

"What?!" Alan yelled on the other side of the door.
"Sweetie. It's papa. You have visitors." Sid told Alan, and I pursed my lips together to not laugh.
"Go in slowly, give him a chance to acclimate." Sid quietly told us, as we just nodded, before Alan opened his bedroom door.

"Hey, Alan!" Doug greeted, smiling at him. "Hey, guys. Hey, Eve. Hey, Phil." Alan greeted us, looking specifically between me and Phil, while I gave him a smile and waved slightly. "Hey, bud." Phil grinned at him, as Alan let out a shaky breath.

"Y-you guys wanna come in?" Alan asked us.
"Sure." Doug nodded.
"Yeah, absolutely." Phil agreed, as the four of us walked into Alans room, as he patted Doug and Stu on the back and hugged Phil and I closely.

"Okay. See you on the court in half–" Sid smiled, before Alan cut him off by slamming the door in his face, causing my brows to furrow. "Alan!" I said, in a scolding tone. "What?!" He shrugged his shoulders, as I glared at him, before walking further into his room.

"Pretty cool room, Alan." Phil complimented, looking around. "Oh, thanks, Phil. My dad pays my rent." Alan said. "There's a surprise." I mumbled under my breath, causing Phil to nudge my arm.

"Wow. I've never had a girl in my room before– aside from my mom and the maid. And Trace sometimes." Alan chuckled, as he stared at me, and I gave him a tight-lipped smile.

"Really? You don't say." I said, my tone accidentally a bit condescending, once again earning a glare from Phil.

"Alan, what the fuck? We were supposed to delete these! You made a promise!" Doug exclaimed, irritated, as he walked over to a wall filled with pictures of what happened in vegas.

"Woah, woah, woah! What the hell?! I'm not cool with this at all. You can't have these." Stu shook his head, as Phil and I walked over to where they were all talking about, and Phil started laughing, as I gasped.

"Chillax, Stu! Nobody ever comes in here." Alan defended, as he smiled, and Phil continued laughing, leaning on a wall, with his arms crossed, as he looked at the photos.

"Total violation of trust!" Stu exclaimed, as I walked over to a specific photo that caught my eye. "Holy fuck! Alan! What the hell!" I yelled, as my eyes widened at the picture before me. It was a picture of me, swinging on a stripper pole, half naked, with my breasts out.

"What? What is it?" Phil asked, still chuckling, as he walked over to where I was standing and saw the picture, his smile instantly disappearing. "What the fuck?" He muttered, yanking the picture of me from the wall, looking down at it, with his brows furrowed, before he looked over to Alan.

"Alan, what the fuck, dude? You can't have pictures like this of my girlfriend on your wall. It's creepy! I was fine with the pictures, but not anymore. That's not cool, Alan!" Phil exclaimed, growing furious, as he shoved the photo of me into his pocket and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, we all know what you're gonna do with that picture." I muttered to him, in a low voice, as he just turned his head and shot me a wink, before looking back at Alan, with his arms crossed.

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