10. Ghost!

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"What about in England, Phil? Will we still be friends there?" Alan asked him, as we walked into the Lebua Hotel. Alan had been rhyming off countries, asking us if we were friends with him there.

"Alan, I already told you, it was in the heat of the moment, kay? We're still friends, all over the world." Phil replied, trying to get Alan to just stop talking.
"Even Great Britain?" Alan questioned, just to make sure.

"Yeah. Mm-hmm." Phil nodded.
"What about you, Eve?" Alan turned to face me.
"..yeah." I gave him a tight-lipped smile.
"Stu?" Alan asked, turning his head to Stu, who was silent for a moment. "We'll see." He replied, flatly.

"Lady and Gentlemen, follow me." A man stood up from a seat and began walking away, as Alan followed him immediately and Phil, Stu and I exchanged an odd glance to each other, before following him upstairs.

He took us to the upstairs restaurant, and as we followed him further, a bald man, eating noodles, came into view.

"Here you go." The man who led us spoke, and the bald man looked up at us. "Well! It's about time. Sit down." The bald man instructed, and we all looked to each other. "Come on, sit, sit, sit!" The man encouraged, and we just went to sit down. There was only three seats, so I sort of just awkwardly stood, not knowing what to do, until the bald man looked up at me.

"What's wrong, gorgeous? You don't have a seat? Well, there's one right here." The balm man patted his lap and I cringed and scoffed in disgust.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend, asshole." Phil told him, pissed off, before he looked up to me. "C'mon, babe, you sit down. I'll stand." Phil offered, standing up to pull out his seat for me, I was about to protest, but Phil just ushered me to sit, so I thanked him and sat down, while Phil stood behind the seat, with his hands on my shoulders.

"Wow. You guys look like shit. Obviously excluding you, sweetheart." The bald man, commenting, shooting me a wink, which caused Phil's grip on my shoulders to tighten.

"Make one more fucking comment about her and I swear to God, I'll–" Phil began, before he was quickly cut off. "Take it easy, fella. You'll do what? Nothing. You won't do shit." The man scoffed, and Phil opened his mouth to respond, but I stopped him.

"Calm down, Phil. It's okay." I reassured him, with a small smile, as I rubbed his hand, and he just sighed.
"Do we know you?" Phil asked him, ignoring his previous comments.

"Hey. Take off your fuckin' hat. You're in a restaurant, for Chrissake. Come on." The man told Alan, as Alan took the hat off and placed it on the table.

"Okay, listen, uh, we have no clue what's goin' on here–" Phil started, but was quickly stopped by the man making an unnecessary input. "You know, they sell a plum whiskey here. It's fuckin' unreal." The man informed us, as Phil, Stu and I just looked to him, baffled and confused. What is he yacking on about? "Serious, it will absolutely fuck you up." The man continued, laughing.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You guys already got fucked up, didn't ya?" The man joked, looking to Phil, as he continued to laugh and Phil gave a fake smile of amusement. "Uh, listen. I'm a little confused. How did you–" Phil was about to ask, pointing to Stu, before he was interrupted again.

"You know what? I'm a little fucking confused. Where's Chow?! WHERE IS CHOW WITH THE FUCKIN' ACCOUNT CODE AND THE FUCKIN' PASSWORD?!!" The man started yelling and banging the table, drawing attention from the other people in the restaurant, as Alan covered his ears.

"We don't know anything about any codes. We're just tryin' to find our friend." Stu informed him, with pleading eyes.
"Teddy." The man said, whispering.
"Yes." Phil, Stu and I all said in unison.
"Teddy. Have you seen him?" Stu asked, hopefully, as the man started chuckling. "C'mere." He ordered, as another man gave his a form.

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