6. That's Not Teddy

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We walked out of the hotel room, Stu and Phil carrying Chows dead body covered in a white sheet.
"This is the worst idea ever." Stu said, as I looked around to make sure no one saw us.

"What the fuck is this place?" Phil asked, ignoring Stu's comment. "Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. It's population is 12 million people." Alan read from his cards.

"Alan, put the cards away and help!" Stu told him, cutting him off. "Elevator." Stu grunted. "I'll get the button! I'll get the button." Alan said, going in front so he could press the button, as the monkey began climbing on Phil, on his shoulder, while Phil moved his head.

"What the fuck is the deal with this monkey?!" Phil exclaimed, irritated.
"I think he likes you." I smirked, as Phil just rolled his eyes at me.

"The monkey gets it." Alan chuckle, continuing to press the buttons, as I sighed in realisation. "The powers out." I recalled, as Phil sighed. "Fuck, we gotta take the stairs." He told us. "Ah, fuck!" Stu exclaimed in frustration.

We were all panting by the time we walked the stairs to the 15th floor. "Here it is." Stu said through trying to catch his breath. "Feet first, feet first! I've done this before!" Alan said, as my eyes widened.

"What? Hide a body?!" I exclaimed, as Phil shushed me, I opened the doors to the ice machine, which was just full of water, as they dumped Chows body into it, and quickly closed it, all of us breathing heavily, and sinking to the floor, as Phil locked the crate.

"Stu." Phil breathed. "What?" Stu asked.
"We still have to find Teddy." Phil reminded him.
"Oh, God." Stu shut his eyes and dropped his head down, while I patted his shoulder, still trying to catch my own breath.

A moment later of just heavy breathing lingering in the air, Stu held his head up with a look of realisation, before he yelled: "THE ROOF!"


We busted the doors of the roof open and began calling Teddy's name.


We frantically looked around but so no one.
"YOU GUYS SEE ANYTHING?" Phil yelled to us. "There's no one up here!" I called back, before walking over to Phil. "Come on, where are you, buddy?" Phil whispered to himself.
"He's not here." Stu said, walking over to Phil and I.

"I can't believe this is happening again!" Stu cried, as Phil turned to face him. "Okay. Look, we'll handle this. You and Eve get back there. You tell them that Alan and I got drunk with him, we're still partying. You gotta go get married." Phil told him, and I furrowed my brows.

"What? No! I'm not leaving you!" I argued, shaking my head, as Phil opened his mouth to reply but Stu cut him off. "No. No. I'm not going back without Teddy. It's Lauren's little brother, he's lost, he's injured... if I fuck this up, I lose everything." Stu told him, as Phil nodded.

"Okay... all right. Alan, check your pockets." Phil instructed, walking over to him, as he began searching his own pockets. "What?" Alan asked.
"You know the drill. Come on, there might be clues." Phil pulled out everything in his pockets. "Check your phones– numbers, texts." Stu added, pulling out everything in his pockets.

"That's a good idea." Phil commented, pulling out to check his phone. "I got nothin'." He said, putting his phone back in his pocket. "Fuck! Me neither." Stu exclaimed when he checked his phone. I was still wearing the dress from last night, which didn't have pockets and my phone was in my purse, which was back at the hotel.

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