Two Little Spiders Went Into A Game Part 2

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No chapter warnings except for some smut. ;)

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At first glance, the City of Aiai seemed like a pleasant, slightly old-fashioned little town, and you couldn't for the life of you figure out what it was that had spooked Feitan so badly. Sure, the huge pink heart floating high in the air was a bit...odd, and there seemed to be a certain...fondness for the color pink in general, but given Fei's reaction, you'd expected something terrifying. You chuckled a bit thinking of how hard it had been to convince him to split up for just half an hour to ask around for Binolt and find out if he actually was in town or not.

That time was almost up, but besides a few vague confirmations of people thinking they'd heard the name you had not gathered any solid information. Spotting a coffee shop you headed that way just as a girl tripped over her own feet and dropped her things all over the street. Instinctively you turned to help her but found that a middle-aged bald guy had already begun to pick up her stuff to help her, and she beamed admiringly at him. Romance was clearly in the air... Smiling you continued, and a few minutes later you emerged from the shop with a large cup of coffee in each hand, expecting Fei to find you soon.

The person who approached you was however totally different. Tall and lanky, long hair in a smart ponytail, an apron with a belt holding several scissors, combs, and other hair products, he homed in on you, practically sparkling with delight.

'Oh my. You're so beautiful, and your hair is the loveliest I've ever seen. I'd be honored if you let me cut and style it for you.'

You politely declined, but he persisted, heaping more compliments on you until it felt beyond ridiculous. Stifling a laugh, you tried to ask him about Binolt instead and to your surprise he knew the name.

'Ah, Binolt. He's a fellow hairdresser. Lovely pink hair and well-polished scissors.' He glanced at his own scissors hanging from his belt. 'He often comes here for meals, or to find customers, but he's staying somewhere outside of town. There are several charming guest houses along the main road.'

He reached out to touch your hair, 'But honestly. With your beauty I'd do a much better job than he ever could, so I wish you'd consider...'

'Go away stupid man,' Feitan appeared out of nowhere placing an arm between you and the hairdresser, his face like a thundercloud.

'I assure you...' You never found out what he wanted to assure you before Fei's claws ripped his throat open. Strangely there was no blood, the body dissolving into glowing blue orbs that flickered and disappeared. You stared at Fei who was still looking furious.

'Told you. Stupid city. Stupid romance NPCs. We go now.' Without further ado, Feitan took one of the cups, grabbed your hand, and more or less dragged you to the main gate and out of the city while you were doing your best not to laugh at his behavior.

When you had reached a satisfactory safe distance he stopped, released your hand, and tried the coffee. His face immediately brightened, and he took a longer sip.

'Very good,' he said, and after a quick taste you agreed, then told him about the information the NPC hairdresser had told you.

'Good. We search guest houses for him. Also can stay there. Sleep in forest no good for you.'

'I agree, a real bed sounds nicer than the ground,' you said, giving him a little wink. 'Shall we start exploring the area then?'

'Yeah. We should. Have time before evening.'

'Look. Such a pretty lake,' you squealed, after hours of walking and exploring it looked more than a little inviting and you ran ahead of Feitan to reach it first.

Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersWhere stories live. Discover now