A Spider's Vengeance Part 3

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TW for violence/torture carrying over from last chapter... Also, there will be smut!

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Fei was standing at the side table, organizing his equipment, but something else caught your attention. The door to the room with the bed was slightly open, and you were sure it had been closed when you went to the bathroom. Could some draft, or the noisy throbbing of the old water pipes have caused it to open? Possible, but unlikely. Shivers went down your back as you considered it. Was someone else here? Or something else?

Suspiciously you looked around the room but nothing seemed out of place. 'Gyo.' You had half expected to see someone or something, but there was nothing except this sudden eerie feeling of being watched.

Fei was leaning over the small table, wiping the blood off the scalpels with a piece of cloth and placing them back in their places on the fabric. The monster was awake again, his chest barely moving as he struggled to breathe, his unfocused eyes were looking in your direction, away from Feitan. As you slowly moved closer his eyes moved too, not to you but to a point next to you, and the corner of his mouth twitched, just enough to be noticeable. That confirmed it, something was definitely going on.


'Hm? What? Oh, he awake now.' He put the cloth down and moved back to Reggie, whose eyes remained fixed on a spot halfway between you and Fei.

'Yes, but that wasn't what I wanted to say.' You sighed and moved a little closer. 'Don't you feel like something's off?'

'Off? Yes, you right. Is time cut something off,' he chuckled, looking down at the bleeding and burned mess he had created.

Feitan's instincts were better than yours, you knew that, and if he didn't sense anything you were probably overreacting. Still, your anxiety only deepened with every passing moment.

'Gyo,' you whispered again, but like before there was nothing to be seen, no aura, no nen, no nenbeast, no nothing. 'Oh, fuck it...x-ray.' As always it took a moment for your eyes to adjust, but when they did you gasped. There, right ahead of you, the shape of a human skeleton was sneaking slowly toward the table, toward Fei. Fei! Why didn't he sense it? The shape was already so close to him, too close, raising a bony arm, and its fingers were holding a...

'Fei, watch out!'

As in slow motion, you saw Fei finally turn around, frown deepening, eyes looking straight past the enemy to you.

'Fei! No...' You threw yourself forward, attempting to stop the shape but instead, you ended up on its back, not slowing it down in the least. Everything was still moving at a strange slow speed, every sound oddly dull and muffled, as if you were underwater. As in a dream you sent your aura tendrils into the body you were clinging to. It felt warm and soft, human, not just the skeleton monster X-ray showed you. You saw the knife slice through the air much too close to Fei's skull, and you imagined his eyes wide in surprise as they stared at you. There was a strange scream, probably yours, as the slim blade stabbed deep into your thigh as the man tried to shake you off. Next, there was a loud crack as your aura tore the vertebrae in the skeleton's neck apart. Then you were lying on top of his corpse, panting, clutching your injured leg, releasing your aura and blinking rapidly so your vision would go back to normal.

'Fei! You okay?' you asked frantically, though you knew he'd most likely be more okay than you. With a groan you rolled off the body and landed on the cold floor, pain shooting up through your leg. Then Fei was there, lifting you into his arms, eyes glistening as he pressed his lips against yours.

'You did good. Now heal,' he said as he grasped the handle of the knife sticking out of your leg, and slowly pulled it out. It took but a few minutes to heal the narrow but deep wound, but for some reason you couldn't stop shaking. Fei put you down and turned the dead man over, now he was completely visible and you recognized him as the last of your three kidnappers.

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