Chapter 7: War declared

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After megaton took over the government and found out that optimus started his own government and became a prime do to the will of Alpha trion, megaton was angry and felt betrayed, but he and optimus prime agreed to meet in privately to discuss the future of cyberton.

*Unknown region of cyberton*

Cyberton can't be ruled by two government's optimus prime said, "I agree, prime, but it was the decepticons who were lead by me overthrow the high council, so that makes the decepticons the rightful government of cyberton megaton said almost smirking at prime, your government is built on hatred and vengeance my autobots are based on Alpha trion belief of peace and mercy and if I didn't know better your decepticons are no better then the high council that opposed us optimus snap, this made megaton angery and he grabbed optimus by the throat and lifted him of the ground. Don't you dare compere me or my decepticons to them megaton said in a low groan and released optimus from his grip, optimus stared at megaton before sitting back down on his chair. Then there's only one option we split cyberton one half autobot other decepticon optimus said megaton thought about but agreed to optimus plan.

*6 months later*

It's been 6 months since optimus and megaton decided to split cyberton in two. The west of cyberton were held by the autobots with the autobots capital been Iacon, and the east of cyberton was held by the decepticons with their capital being based in kaon, both sides agreed to respect each other borders but many had doubts that both sides will keep to the agreement and soon both sides had their army on standby.


The answer is no sentinel. We are not going to war with the decepticons. As long as we stick to the agreement, there will be no need for war optimus stated. But prime the other autobots fe.. optimus cut sentinel off, the other autobots understood that this was the only way to keep the peace between us. I don't like it as much as everyone else, but when cyberton unites once again, it will become of peace, not war do I make myself clear sentinel optimus said. Sentinel didn't say anything and left in a huff, I don't like him, but he's not wrong, Prime, can we truly trust megaton and his decepticons ironhide said. Megaton may be many things, but he is a mech of honour, and I know he will keep his word.


Lord megaton are forces are being placed on the autobot-decepticon border soundwave stated very good soundwave megaton said, ehh Lord megaton may I ask why we are putting are forces on the border? Starscream asks because you fool optimus prime knows he is out numbered and out gunned, so we are going to pressure optimus to give up on his ideas and the autobots.


How far are they to are borders? optimus asked blurr about 30 miles optimus, are they still on the march optimus ask no blurr replied, tell are army's to fortified the city's of waterloo, somme and verdun 5 miles to the border and to standby for further orders, understood prime blurr saluted but be for blurr could leave sentinel burst into the room. What the matter sentinel optimus ask, sentinel who was out of breath just state optimus we caught an decepticon assassin.

*Iacon holding cells*

Has she said anything prowl optimus asked as he entered the cell, I'm afraid not she said that she will only talk to you, prowl informed optimus, optimus looks at the assassin and pulls himself a chair what's your name optimus asked, nightbird the assassin replied why were you sent there optimus asked, to kill optimus prime nightbird replied who give you the orders to kill me optimus asked, the decepticon leadership nightbird replied megaton? Optimus replied I don't know? All I know is it was from the higher-ups, and I don't question where my orders come from.

*Iacon war room*

Ever since me and megaton decided to split cyberton in two, I have stopped at nothing to keep the peace between autobots and decepticons, and I have no intentions to start a war optimus stated. THIS IS AN ACT OF WAR PRIME sentinel yell, we respect your approach for peace optimus, but if the decepticons are willing to sent an assassin to kill you, that means the decepticons are will to united cyberton by force ultra magnus started. Prowl, write his down, prowl nods his head, and starts to write, megaton I have one of your assassins in a holding cell, was this your doing if so I will be forced to use force against you how ever I will give you the chance to keep the peace between us, this all depends on your answer and I pray to primeis that where will be no war between us that no energon will be split in war. Optimus took the letter and gave it to blurr, tell are army's to fortified the city's of waterloo, somme and verdun 5 miles from the border and tell the troops to wait for further orders and then give megaton this letter optimus orders blurr, yes prime blurr saluted optimus.


Lord megaton a letter from optimus prime the decepticon soldier gives to megaton. Megaton opens it and starts to read the letter, so optimus what's a reply we will give him an reply, and what am I replying with Lord megaton, megaton turned around and smiled.

*Iacon war room*

Optimus letter from megaton, thank you blurr, optimus took the letter and began to read it, I need to address autobots, blurr tell the army's to prepare for war blurr eyes go wide and simply says yes prime.

*At MacCadam's*

So bee did you get that ring hot rod said as he takes a slip of energon you now it am just waiting for the right time to tell her Bumblebee said as he took a slip of is own energon, hey guys optimus on tv look cheetor said pointing at the TV, to all autobots I am making this announcement tell you that only a couple of hours ago the decepticons sent an assassin to try to kill me, a letter was sent to megaton to explain his actions and to ensure peace between the autobots and decepticons, I have to tell you now that we are at war with the decepticons, the entire bar goes silent as no one dare speak a word not a single word.

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