Chapter 18: Battle of verdun part 1

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It's been a long 2 million years, 2 million years since this war started, and their seems to be no end in sight, windblade after finding out she was pregnant was sent on leave far from the front to keep her and the sparkling safe. Bumblebee had requested to go with windblade to keep her safe, but his request was denied. With the threat of attack on verdun, all autobots who were fit for battle were sent to verdun and placed under ironhide command where he would send autobots to man the trenches or man one of the many forts verdun was know for.

*Fort Primeis main autobot command centre at verdun*

Bumblebee: it's not fair hot rod. I should be over there protecting windblade and my sparkling instead of being there

Hot rod: I understand, bee, but if we lose verdun, then the decepticons will have a clear path to Iacon, and who will protect windblade, then

Bumblebee: I hate, then you are right

Hot rod just laughs, and Bumblebee rolls his optics. Along the way, they run into smokescreen.

Smokescreen: Hey Bumblebee, hey, hot rod

Both Bumblebee and hot rod: hi smoke

Smokescreen: So where are you two being stationed

Bumblebee: At fort King, you?

Smokescreen: Here, ironhide wants me to stay just in case we need a messager if we lose communication with the front line

Both Bumblebee and hot rod nod. Smokescreen in human years would be a few years younger than both hot rod and Bumblebee, Smokescreen joined the autobot army after the battle of the frontiers, but his young age and arrogance didn't make him a good soldier, but not wanting to lose manpower the autobots made smokescreen a messager based on his vehicle mode being a muscle car. Smokescreen job was to send messages from army command to the front lines, and so often doing his job while under enemy fire.

Smokescreen: So bee I heard about powerglide what he did was fuck up

Bumblebee grew angery hearing that name and pushed smokescreen to one side and stormed off

Smokescreen: I didn't mean to upset him

Hot rod: don't take it personally smokes he not mad at you... he mad at himself, he blames himself for happened to windblade

Hot rod then left to catch up to bee. Bumblebee had very reason to be mad after they saved windblade and the other autobot prisoners' windblade told them everything this lead to Bumblebee and other autobots to head to powerglide quarters to arrest him for treason against the autobots but once they got there they sew a pool of energon coming from underneath the door. The autobots kicked down the door, and what they sew shocked them, powerglide when hearing that windblade got saved, and knowing that they would come for him next took his own life to escape his punishment

*at Fort Caen command room*

Autobot officer: any reports of decepticon activities

Autobot data clerk: No, sir

Autobot officer: keep checking

Autobot data clerk: sir, yes, sir

Just outside of Fort Caen, decepticons are quietly crewing towards the fort outer walls

Dead end: were in prostion commence with artillery fire

The decepticon artillery lights up the battlefield, forcing the autobots to take cover, including Bumblebee and hot rod. The decepticon artillery keeps the autobots in their forts or the trenches. Not only that, but the decepticon seekers wreck havic from the sky's targeting forts and anti air guns to keep the airspace in their control. Dead end group set charges on the outer wall of Fort Caen, setting off the charges and blowing up the wall. The autobot defenders are taken by surprise as decepticons rush into the gap, gunning down any autobots they see that includes autobots that were trying to surrender

*Fort Caen command room*

Autobot officer: This is fort Caen decepticons are in the fort I repeat decepticons are in the fort don't know how long we can hold out, need reinforcements command do you respond

Just then, the fort roof exploded, letting the decepticons seekers in they gunned down everyone

Head seeker: dead end we captured the command room

Dead end: good were on our way

Dead end group entries the command room

Dead end: any survives

Head seeker: Just his autobot officer

The head seeker pushes the autobot officer to the ground, dead end looks at the officer before getting out his pistol and shooting the officer dead

Soundwave: dead end report

This made dead end jump as he came face to face with soundwave

Dead end: fort is under are control and all autobot defenders dealt with

Soundwave: Excellent work. I will contact Lord megaton

Dead end: understood decepticons with me we are going to take the next fort, fort king

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