Chapter 19: Battle of verdun part 2

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Dead end gathers the decepticon battalions to prepare to attack Fort King , meanwhile, at Fort Primeis, ironhide is getting some terrible news

Autobot data clerk 1: sir were getting reports that Fort Caen has fallen into decepticons hands

Ironhide: Have the reports been confirmed

Autobot data clerk 1: Am afraid so, sir

Autobot data clerk 2: Sir, the Autobot defenders at Fort Outback, Fort Jackson and Fort Matrix have been forced to abandon the forts after decepticon troops over ran them forcing the autobot defenders to retreat to near by forts

Ironhide: Tell the other forts to hold their positions at all cost. How are we on clearing the sky from decepticon seekers

Autobot data clerk 3: Not good sir the decepticons have destroyed most of our anti air guns

Ironhide: What about our casualties

Autobot data clerk 4: over 15,000 casualties have been reported, sir. Many of them dead

Autobot data clerk 5: Sir Fort King, as reported that the decepticons are trying to get in, and they requested for reinforcements

Ironhide: Tell them we will do all we can to support them

*Fort King*

Bumblebee: understood we will hold as long as we can, Bumblebee out

Bumblebee rushed to the front entrance to hot rod who had taken command of the fort, then the autobot officer was killed, closing the door to stop the decepticons from entering the fort

Hot rod: bee any news about reinforcements

Bumblebee: they said that they would do all that they could to support us, but told me not to get our hope's up

Hot rod: So basically, we're on our own

Bumblebee: Am afraid so bother

Autobot trooper:(shouting) There opening the door

Both Bumblebee and hot rod looked at the entrance to see the door slowly opening hot rod rushed to the door, and with a move of his hands, flames came out of his pipes located on his arms. When the decepticons opened the door, they were surprised to see autobot standing there. Hot rod used the moment of surprised to aim his flames at the decepticons causing some decepticons to start melting due to the heat, this caused the decepticons to close the door and hot rod not wasting a moment used is flames to weld the door shut.

Hot rod: That should buy us a few minutes to get prepared, autobots, man, your prostions

The autobot defenders started to man their prostions, placing themselves behind corners or anything that they could use as cover. A couple of autobots found a vickers machine gun in the ammo room and began setting it up, bumblebee looks at hot rod and smirks.

Hot rod: What are you smirking about

Bumblebee: When did you become a leader

Hot rod: Am just doing my duty bee, that's all

Bumblebee: If you say so

The autobots wait for the decepticons to enter, aiming their guns at the door. Each autobot holds his breath, waiting for the attack, then the door exploded, sending hot chunks of metal towards the autobots, some autobots that were unlucky to be near the door were cut down by the metal chunks, the decepticons rush into the fort and the autobots open fire senting the decepticons attackers to an early grave. The vickers machine gun makes quick work of the decepticons causes them to retreat out of the fort again. The autobots use this time to take a breather and a couple of minutes rest, but Bumblebee can't do either. He can't take his optics off the battle he had just witnesse, the dead bodies that letter the fort foors, the energon splattered on the walls or the massive pool of energon that the autobots are standing in, Bumblebee knows as long as he lives this scene will hunt him for the rest of his life.

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