Chapter 9:Battle of the frontiers

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After many months of training in hand to hand combat, bayonet charges, and fire dills, they were deemed ready for combat.

I am proud of every one of you. You all have become fine soldiers, and I am proud to lead you into battle tomorrow, he leave at 0600 hours tomorrow, so get some rest, and I will see all tomorrow prowl said. Once prowl left the barracks, the other autobots started to do their own thing, some here excited to go to the front line, and others were not. Some went to sleep early, ready for the big day others stayed up either to excitement or nerves of going to the front, Bumblebee, however, went to the back of the barracks to make a call.

*ring ring ring*

Hello sweetheart, windblade voice came through the call. Hello, babe it was good to hear your voice again, Bumblebee said, and you two, so how is boot camp bee? Ask windblade. It is hell we are going into battle tomorrow, and I wanted to make sure that you are ok, Bumblebee said, "I am OK, bee the air base is far away for the battlefield it's you who needs the luck out there windblade said, yeah you can say that again, anyway I have go... I love you, windblade, and I love you too, bee just don't die out there ok windblade said with worry in her voice, I promise windblade I promise with that Bumblebee ended the call.

It's a long drive to the battlefield, and morle is high. When they get to their positions, it's not what they were expecting. There were no decepticons, anyway, just dead autobots scattered over the battlefield somewhere missing limbs and head. It's safe to say that the high morle they entered with was surely gone. Arcee, throw up at the sight of the dead, grimlock was right beside her making sure that she was ok, I'm fine grim thanks arcee said as she smiled at him. I know it's not pretty, but we need to man this position so everyone get in a group of two or three, and man, a fox hole prowl ordered the autobots did as told.

*Many hours later*

Bumblebee, hot rod, and cheetor just sat in the fox hole, waiting for the decepticons to attack.

Hahaha, cheetor starts to laugh. What are you laughing about? Hot Rod asked, confused. This is one hell of a battle, yay lads all that training came in use, didn't it cheetor laugh harder. This caused hot rod and Bumblebee to also laugh, then the three bots heard whistling, and then an artillery shell explosioned right outside their fox hole, sending crunks of metal and dead cybertronians into the air. HOLD YOUR POSITIONS, SHOOT ANY DECEPTICON YOU SEE Prowl commanded, the autobots start to open fire on the decepticons, with every shoot the autobots kill an decepticon but on Bumblebee left an artillery shell explosions in an fox hole killing the autobots in it and the same on Bumblebee right and then other fox hole is hit. Prowl seeing his defences fall orders a retreat, and the autobots start to retreat, but the decepticons see this and start firing on them, killing many autobots, as sideswipe and sunstreaker are running to catch up with what's left of the regiment as sideswipe turns around to see if this bother is behind him he sees an artillery shell hit sunstreaker turning him into blue mist. Sideswipe can't believe it he just can't, he won't believe that is bother is dead but he knows the truth and just keeps running, sideswipe regroups with the rest of the regiment who have set up positions 2 miles from the front and who are waiting for optimus prime and is regiment to come and support them.

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