Chapter 20: A costly victory

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It had been a few months since the decepticons attacked verdun. The autobots who were led by ironhide put up a strong defence holding off the decepticon attack and keeping verdun mainly in autobot hands, but this didn't stop the decepticons from launching multiple attacks to take the city. Fighting around, verdun became so bloodied that some parts of the city were flooded by the blood of the dead.

* verdun ruin, no bot's land*

Bumblebee was on a scouting mission. His orders we're to gather information on the decepticon trenches and to find a weak spot for the autobots to launch their counterattack and to push the decepticons out of verdun for good. Bumblebee was using the ruins to slowly advance to the decepticon trench, Bumblebee had to be careful it was still daylight, and the decepticons would have a clear view of no bot's land. Bumblebee entered one of the building ruins carefully and quietly, holding out his rifle and checking every room on the bottom floor. After deming it safe, Bumblebee slowly went up the stairs, making sure not to make a sound as the decepticon trench was less than 50 yards away. Bumblebee checked every room on the top floor before heading towards a window overlooking the decepticon trench.

*com link*

Bumblebee: Ironhide, this is Bumblebee over

Ironhide: Ironhide there what you see bee over

Bumblebee: I see two lines of trenches, 18 machine guns, half a dozen trench morters, and 8 steel box houses over

Ironhide: Any weak spots over

Bumblebee: The trenches near the old industrial estate seem pretty under defenced and unmanned over

Ironhide: copy that Bumblebee head back to friendly lines over

Bumblebee: unde...

But before Bumblebee could finish his response, a picture fell out of his gun hoster. Bumblebee went to pick it up and turned the picture around. It was a picture of him and windblade on their first date at tyger Pax, a tear escape from Bumblebee's eye's as he looked at windblade, wishing to be united with her.

Ironhide: Bumblebee, are you there, Bumblebee, respond

Bumblebee: I'm there, ironhide just got a little distraction over

Ironhide: Well, I need you there and now understood over

Bumblebee: Yes, sir, heading back to friendly lines now over

Bumblebee ended the com link and began to head back to friendly lines

*Autobot trenches*

Ironhide: So this is the plan we attack the decepticons in the industrial estate and push on from their any question

Autobot soldier: The moment we attack the decepticons, will send reforces it will be a blood bath

Ironhide: Don't worry, soldier, we have a plan to keep the decepticons at bay

Hot rod: What's the plan, sir

Ironhide: The plan is to have optimus and prowl forces to attack the left and right flanks and, if possible, to circle the decepticon forces in verdun and destroy them, will that be all

The autobot soldiers nod their heads

Ironhide: Good, we attack in three hours, so get some rest or right to your loved ones, dismiss... except you, Bumblebee. I want a word with you

The rest of the autobots leave only leaving Bumblebee and Ironhide in the plan room

Ironhide: What happened today, bee

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