𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔

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"So they're together now?" I asked JJ as we sat down on the sand watching people drink and have fun

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"So they're together now?" I asked JJ as we sat down on the sand watching people drink and have fun. The party was thrown by one of the Pogues, but there were still some Kooks who were actually just there to cause trouble. It was a wonder no one got into a fight, since that's what happens most often when Kooks and Pogues get together.

"Probably,because she is certainly not together with Topper anymore " he replied, taking a sip of his beer and turning his head to look at me.

"Kie and I hate her, so I don't know how our whole friend group is going to work with her, but I'm happy for him, I guess.,"my eyes wandered to the two lovers and I could feel my lips grew wider.

"Well, she definitely makes him happy"I pointed out, after watching John b and Sarah for a while.

The two sat on a rock and chatted with bright smiles on their faces. Sarah had her head resting on John's shoulder and her arms wrapped around his arm.
The way he smiled with her...It seemed like they were in their own bubble where it was just him and her and no one other.
Actually, it was cute, and I never seen him smile this big before. He was truly happy after such a long time.

"Aw, are you getting soft, Anna?" JJ pouted provocatively and I pushed  my bow lightly in his arm, making him laugh softly.

"I'm glad he finally seems happy. I mean after his dad died..or got lost, you could really tell that he was completely devastated."I explained and JJ nodded in agreement.

"You're so hot when you talk so deeply and emotionally,"JJ said, taking a cigarette between his busted lip and lighting it on.

"You never take me seriously." I laughed and pushed him. At his sudden statement, disbelief etched across my face, making him grin even more. It was JJ, he was probably proud of it in that moment.

After a while I noticed that my bladder was squeezing like crazy, most likely because of all that beer I drank, so I wanted to look for a toilet in the house, which was filled by other guest.

"Why are you leaving me?" JJ looked up at me with puppy dog eyes as I wiped the sand from my shorts

"I'll be back in a minute," I blowed him a kiss which he caught dramatically.

I walked towards the house and as I entered I noticed a table surrounded by way too many people. What the fuck was that about? The curiosity inside of me grew and suddenly I forgot the reason why I wanted to go to this house in the first place. I slowly pushed my way through the people and immediately regretted my decision when I saw many lines of cocaine on a table and Rafe counting dollar bills in his hands.
He even sold that shit on parties like this?

As I wanted to step back I saw his blue eyes flash up at me, a grin forming on his lips that made my heart beat faster

"Guys!,"he shouted, his gaze not leaving mine. Everybody went quiet for a second and looked at him.

"I have a special little costumer tonight,"as the words left his mouth, he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me towards him which made me land directly on his lap.

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