𝑾𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒆?

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After much back and forth, JJ finally agreed to let me go with Rafe

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After much back and forth, JJ finally agreed to let me go with Rafe. He didn't trust him one bit and I could totally understand that, then no one really trusted Rafe, not even the Kooks, because they knew that Rafe only thought about himself. "Where are we going?" I wanted to know as I got into his car. "Back to my place. We need to get some things done, partner."he explained, spelling "partner" in a sarcastically way which made me roll my eyes back.

The ride to his house went quite normally, we didn't talk, but somehow it wasn't unpleasant. It was natural. When we arrived there we made our way up to his office.

It was a small room. In the corner there was a table with a computer on it in front of a shelf full of books. There were also a few chairs around to sit on, as well as a small couch in the other corner.

"Do you want something to drink?" he asked, opening a cupboard full of alcoholic drinks. "No, I'm good," I replied, watching as he then poured himself a glass of bourbon. He looked good. Too good. He was wearing a dark green t-shirt, black jeans and a watch, which made his „simple"outfit, not even close to „simple"

"You know I can't really help you with any of this."I pointed to the computer
"I don't know shit about it,"

"I know, I know," he laughed, sitting down in the chair behind the computer. "But you can entertain me while I do the work for both of us."

Entertain him. What did he mean by that? And before my brain could even process anything, I was already asking him the question

"Don't ask, just come here." He tapped his hand lightly on his lap, indicating that I should sit on it, but I just shook my head. "I won't bite. I promise."

"I don't even like you, so there's no way I'm going to sit on your lap. Are you crazy?" I almost shouted in disbelief,

"Then keep hating me, but sit on my lap while you do it.I need to show you something, Ann"he insisted, the little nickname and the way he looked at me with his blue eyes almost making me smile.

"I'll get up right after you show me whatever that might be, okay?" I clarified as I walked around the table. 

„Whatever you please"He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me onto his lap.

Somehow I had predicted that this sudden closeness between him and me would happen sooner or later, but my heart was still racing like crazy. Most likely because I thought I would end up really close to him in a different way like standing next to him and not sitting on his lap.

"What do you want to show me now?"

"You can just sit there and look pretty, but I still want you to at least see where the money comes from. I want to show you the whole thing."he explained and opened the computer.

A picture immediately appeared with all the statistics and sums that were received and spent. Below, there was a tab open with expensive watches that he had probably looked at before. That's exactly how I imagined Rafe's everyday life. Earn money, spend it and do it all over again.

He slowly started explaining everything to me. As expected I didn't understand a thing, but it was still fun listening to him talking so patiently about everything

Without a warning, I could feel his fingers caressing my inner thighs softly. I decided to wear a short white dress that day so goosebumps immediately appeared on my skin making me shiver slightly.He was still talking, like it was the most normal thing that his fingers were just few inches away from my panties.

"She would never do something like that and you know that for a fact," I snapped after I heard John talk for 20 minutes about how Anna could get involved in the whole Kook life and turn her back on us completely.

Quickly I pulled the fish I caught out of the water and threw it into the net in the boat. It was the day after the hurricane and the sea was full of fish that we really needed.
I can't wait to finally not have to live like this anymore. That I no longer have to catch the fish, but can have it served to me straight away. This dream of mine may not come true, but I would never blame Anna for it. She is much more important than any gold on this earth.

"I know she's trying to fight the whole addiction thing, but if she goes back to drugs, which she most likely will because Rafe is known for all the drug deals, she'll forget about us like we were never friends ."he argued which caused Kiara to sit up from her lying position

"Stop talking about her like that. It's not like she had to implement the whole plan, she did it for you."she finally spoke up and I could tell how mad she was at John b.

There were only three of us on the boat as Pope had to help his father with work, but I knew he would have had the same opinion as Kie and I. Anna may be a drug addict, but she would never do that to her friends..Ever


"I'm bored," I said after watching him work on the computer for a few minutes. I was still sitting on his lap, somehow it didn't bother me anymore "Do you have Coke?" I asked and from that moment on
my brain disconnected completely. Like it shut off every time I thought about the white powder. As if the desire was more important than anything else in the world. He stopped typing, opened a drawer that was right next to his leg, and pulled out a small package, which he placed right infront of me. Not even minutes had passed when three white lines of cocaine were scattered on the table.

"Do you need me holding your hair,Ann?"

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