𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆

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I glanced back one final time to see if JJ and his motorcycle were out of sight yet

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I glanced back one final time to see if JJ and his motorcycle were out of sight yet. When Rafe dropped me off the day before, he told me he would pick me up again. I felt annoyed about the whole thing and since JJ insisted on personally driving me to Rafe's house, I agreed. Following last night, JJ's behavior towards me took on a completely new tone, similar to that of a boyfriend. He kissed me, touched me and even called me baby a few times. I didn't hate it, but I was still starting to
regret hooking up with JJ.

I pressed the doorbell, and a few seconds later a woman wearing only a t-shirt, most likely Rafes, opened the door. The feeling of sudden jealousy surged through me, making me even more confused than I was before. In some kind of way, I even compared myself in that moment with the woman standing in front of me. Every flaw and imperfection I had, was nowhere to be seen on her. My own insecurities bore down upon me and several questions went through my mind. Why was I jealous? Did he thought she was prettier than me? Did I like him more than I thought? Was she prettier than me?..

"Do you need something? "Do you work here?" she asked haughtily, her questions making mine disappear. I looked like a Pogue, so it was clear she thought I was one, but it still bothered me incredibly.

"I'm here for Rafe."
In order to not cause any trouble I wanted to just walk past her, but suddenly she grabbed my arm and pulled me back
"I don't think Rafe lets Pogues into his house."

"Take your hand off me," I firmly told her, trying to stay calm and avoid causing a scene.
But of course my words didn't have any effect on her, and she continued to hold onto me tightly.
Just as I was about to lose my composure, Rafe came down the stairs,wearing not much more than the bitch in front of me

"Mia," Rafe called her name, and she immediately turned around letting go of my arm. "Your phone is ringing upstairs."

"Get it."He didn't need to say much more as she already disappeared.

I stormed into the kitchen, slamming the door shut behind me,not bothered to look at him. I was mad.More than just mad.I was angry at the way she treated me and...why the fuck was she here?

I had never been one to conform to the expectations of a typical Kook girl. My hair was never done, my fashion choices remained unchanged and unremarkable. But that didn't bother me, I felt comfortable in the way I dressed.

"Sorry about that," he muttered, an attempt at an apology, but the mischievous glint in his eyes betrayed him.

"Why am I even here?" I snapped, my words laced with frustration, as I defiantly took a seat at the table that had been set and prepared.

"Because of your choice of clothing," he replied, settling in the chair opposite me.

"You too now?"I retorted, my annoyance eclipsing any remnants of patience

"No, Ann, that's not what I meant," he responded, his tone softening. "I'm suggesting that if you want to be taken seriously in the business world, you should change the way you dress."

I recoiled at his words.

The months I had spent with the Pogues had taught me a valuable lesson: people will always find a way to judge you, to belittle you, no matter how you present yourself. It doesn't matter what clothes you wear or who you are as a person; someone would always find something that they don't like about you.
And so, I had learned not to care, to defy their expectations. But now, in this moment, the success of our plan hinged on the impression I would make..

"Take me shopping then."

After five hours of shopping, we finally reached the end of it. To my surprise, Rate had been an absolute dream throughout. Not only did he accompany me with patience, but he went above and beyond,carrying my shopping bags for me and even helping me choose some clothes.
But somehow I felt something was wrong, because when I was getting my hair and nails done, he stayed outside the whole time, making some important phone call. Through the salon window I could see how the phone call was draining the last of his energy. It was probably about money or coke.

"Thank you for today," I finally managed to say,as we got into his car.

Rafe looked at me with those piercing blue eyes of his, a smile playing on his lips.

"No need to thank me," he replied, his voice low but still so soft. In that moment, it was as if time stood still,and all the warnings the Pogues gave me and the doubts I had myself faded into the background. Despite Rafe's reputation as the "bad guy" I couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

"You managed not to be an asshole today."I teased. His grin widened, and he leaned closer, his face just inches away from mine."I know you like me more when I'm being an asshole,Ann."he almost whispered, his breath warm against my skin. The air was filled with tension and as our lips almost brushed against each other a sudden gunshot shattered the moment.

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