Ten: The Beginning of a Curious Human

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Claire stood with Rosalie as they waited for their mates. The two were discussing something. "I'm not liking the idea of the new student. She could be the one that will be curious about us."

"That's if we don't mess up, Rose." Claire tells her. "Promise me that you will behave and that you won't be the one to cause drama."

Rosalie looked at her as Kyle and Emmett appeared. Emmett picked Claire up causing her to scream out. Kyle shook his head as he went to Rosalie. "Ready?" Emmett says as he looked at her.

"Not really." Claire tells him. "I rather be in bed with you and have wild sex."

Emmett's eyes turned black causing their friends to look at them. "Guys, we have school for one, two, that can wait till later, and three, Claire, why so horny?"

Claire didn't say anything as she kissed Emmett. He pushed her against the car as he deepened the kiss. Groaning, Emmett pulled away as he looked at his beautiful wife. "God, I can't wait till we get home."

"Me neither."
At school, Claire seemed to be having a good day. She is waiting for home time because she wanted Emmett so bad. Feeling sparks, she looked at him smiling and kissed him. "Hi." She says. "So, where should we go after school. Home or hotel?"

"Mmm. I don't know." He says. "Don't think I can wait till we get home."

She looked at him as she ran her hands through his hair. "You know. We can do that in the woods or in the car. I don't care. I just have to have you." She tells him as she leaned up and bit his ear causing him to close his eyes. "I know how to get to you, Em. And I can't wait to feel you inside of me."

Pushing her against the locker, Emmett glared. "You are not helping."

"I think I am." She says as she took his hand. "Let's go to lunch so the day can go by faster."

Emmett nodded as he wanted her so badly. This woman was the only thing person who can do this to him. They walked outside to the rest who saw their eyes and knew they weren't' going to be home any time soon. They walked in, but it was Claire and Emmett first. They heard Jessica talking about them as they walked holding each other. Bella watched them as she saw more than just what Jessica just told her.

Next was Rosalie and Kyle, then Jasper and Alice, finally Edward. "Who is he?"

Knowing that question was asked meant one thing. This was the beginning of a curious Bella Swan. "I don't like the idea of her staring." Claire pointed out.

They looked to see her staring at Edward. "I can't read her mind."

"That's it. I'm done." Claire says as she looked at Emmett.

He knew she wasn't happy about this as their life has been peaceful and now, it may not be. Kissing her head, Claire smiled a little bit as Rosalie took her hand in his.
At home, Rosalie was talking to Esme about the issue at school. Claire looked at Alice who sat beside her. "We know she's curious because of what he had done, but if he decides to do something that will jeopardize us, I will kill him."

Edward walked in with Emmett, Kyle and Jasper behind him. He stopped as Emmett went to Claire, Jasper to Alice and Kyle to Emmett as Esme walked in with Carlisle entering the house. "I want to leave to control my thirst."

"That won't be very wise." Claire pointed out.

"I don't want to kill her."

"Yet, you are risking to kill us?" She asked. "Do you not see that your leaving will cause her to become curious since she probably is..."

"She is." Kyle pointed out.

"Well, it will make it worse." Rosalie stated.

"It's his choice." Carlisle tells them. "He will learn from his mistake."

Claire stood up and left causing Emmett to walk away. He stopped her causing her to look at him. "I know you are upset, but we can ignore this."

"I know we can, but I hope Carlisle knows that this is just the beginning of this coven falling apart."

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