Night 1

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I begged Parrish to come here with me. Well, I didn't beg, I just pitched the idea and insisted a little. He said yes after I played the "I got dumped card". The karaoke place where he kissed Veronica lifted their ban on us and it felt fitting to come here to drown out my sorrows with cheap beer and let my emotions out in the same unhealthy way Parrish does.

Or at least that's what we convinced ourselves we were here to do.

Now we're both at the karaoke with a table full of empty bottles and the air full of smoke.

I finished the stupid cheesy song I picked and glanced back at Parrish who was smoking on the small couch of the room. He inhaled through his mouth getting his lungs full of that substance before exhaling through his nose.

He threw his head back on the arm of the couch and let the weed do its thing. He had one leg on the couch and the other one dangling on the side. His dog ears aren't as sensible as mine but they twitched slightly towards me every time I made a noise.

How is he always so unintentionally hot?

It could've been because I was drunk, scorned and in a big need of sex, but this past week I've been staring at Parrish longer than what I should and parts of him that I shouldn't be staring at. I stared long enough to notice how similar he is to Vero on some of his behaviors.

Yeah, they're both equally deranged and mean to us.

I walked up to the couch and left the microphone resting on the table, before sitting next to him, a bit too close to him. Between his legs. His ears flickered towards me.

"You done already?" He asked, not opening his eyes to look at me.

"Can I have some of that?" I asked instead, which prompted him to blink at me trying to figure out what I was asking.

"Some of what? This completely normal cigarette I'm smoking?" He tilted his head to the left giving me a bit of a condescending smile, while holding the blunt up.

"Yes." I said and he blinked at me again before letting out a chuckle.

"I don't think you can't take this, have you ever even smoked a cigarette before?" He talked to me like I was a child asking their parents for a sip of beer.

But I'm used to that treatment from him anyway.

"I can try." I insisted, scooting closer to him.

He stared at me, trying to find the cause for this new behavior of mine. I made a mental note to ask him later if he found it.

"How many beers have you had?" He inhaled on the blunt again, nodding towards the table with the empty bottles.

I have no idea. I lost count when he hit double digits.

"Not many." I said.

"How many?"

"Half as you. Would you let me have some or not?" I got out quickly before he could figure out that I probably drank all those beers by myself.

"Goddess, you really want to try it that bad?" He chuckled again but I didn't say anything this time. Too busy watching his Adam's apple go up and down in his neck.

"I'll tell you what, I'll shot gun it to you but drink this water first." He leaned over and grabbed a bottle of water from the table. He even uncapped it before handing it to me. "The whole thing." He said, pushing the bottle onto my hands.

"Okay." I agreed and did as he said, chunking the water down as fast as I could. "Done." I said, holding the empty plastic bottle up so he could see.

"'Aight." He chuckled and I started to think that maybe that weed was too strong for him too. "Come here." He motioned me to get closer and I did.

Nights Out (Parrish&Darius #1)Where stories live. Discover now