Night 3

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Our next night out became a night in after an omega at the club asked Parrish what 'race' he was. The exact words he used were 'what are you? You look exotic.' I didn't really find anything wrong with the question but Parrish got pissed. He flipped on the guy when he kept asking about his race.

I was not expecting Parrish to throw hands with an omega but he pushed him, and one of his alpha friends came in and told him to back off. Eventually the argument led to a fight and we got thrown out of the club. He kept cussing the guy out even on the ride home.

"Fucking asshole. What am I? A fucking elephant, can't you see?" He scoffed, getting out of the car when we arrived home. I followed him inside quietly.

He didn't bother changing out of the tight clothes he put on for the club before he started to make dinner. I sat in the kitchen aisle and heard him complain about the omega the whole time. It reminded me of when Veronica came here and started talking my ears off, about whatever thing her roommate did at the time.

She would often be mixing ingredients in the kitchen, just like Parrish was doing now.

"I'm telling you, man, the audacity." He scoffed outraged, while he poured oil on a pan. I gave him the same short answers and hums I gave Veronica.

I've never cared about Parrish's race, I knew he was some sort of herding breed, and while I never cared enough to ask. I had to admit that Parrish did look exotic and I didn't say just because of the color of his skin. His face features were sharp and mostly european while his build was definitely latin.

I'd say that's from all his work out sessions.

That's a possibility too, but the curve of his waist is not something you can achieve with working out. Then there were the soft curls of his hair that didn't fully transfer to the fur on his ears. Most of his hair was pure black but it shifted to a lighter brown on his tail and ears.

"Get off the counter and set the table, would you?" He said, more calmed down now. I got up and looked for the plates and forks on the cabinets.

A flicker on his tail distracted me from my train of thought. That was another thing that looked slightly out of place with him. His tail was curled up, with the tip meeting back at the base in a crescent moon shape. The colors on his tail shifted from black to light brown and to creamy white. The fur on it was slightly curled in a couple of places.

I hadn't realized that I had stopped next to him and was essentially staring at his butt until he glanced at me curiously. I blinked at him rapidly before carrying on with my task.

"Are you okay? That guy didn't hit too hard, did he?" He raised an eyebrow at me, when I finished setting the table and sat back in the kitchen aisle to keep staring at him.

Totally normal behavior.

"I'm fine."

"Right..." He turned to the stove to keep stirring the food. I went back to staring. The slight curve on his waist line didn't look as soft as Veronica's but it was really alluring. I got down from the aisle and reached to his waist without thinking.

That was a mistake. I shouldn't have done that. My hand didn't stay on Parrish's waist for more than a second. Parrish slapped my hand and turned to claw at my neck.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He growled, pushing me back against the aisle with his claws digging on my neck. His eyes were bloodshot red and his fangs were on full display.

I closed my eyes and lowered my head as much as his grip would allow me. Ears stuck flat to my hair.

"Sorry, I'm- I, sorry." I apologized, letting out a little whine. Parrish stopped growling and retreated his claws from my neck immediately.

Nights Out (Parrish&Darius #1)Where stories live. Discover now