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Two weeks later

Today was another Sunday in which Parrish and I did nothing but be a pain in the ass to each other. He was sitting on the couch next to me, instead of his usual spot in the singles. That was his first mistake, his second one was taking all the goddamn space with his legs.

"Parrish, can you please move a little?" I asked, pushing his legs off the couch so I could sit.

"No." He tried to kick me but I grabbed his foot and pulled him, making him fall. "Hey! That was uncalled for." He shouted, looking at me from his mere peasant position on the floor.

"I said please and you didn't move, you even tried to kick me." I squinted my eyes at him and he huffed.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I'm ready to share now." Parrish rested his chin on my knee bearing his neck a little.

He has never done that before, what's this? You know what it doesn't matter, look at that scrumpdelicious skin. Let him up already.

"Okay." I said, moving to the side when he hopped up and sat next to me.

Parrish beamed at me before grabbing the back of my neck and stamping our lips together. The kiss was a bit rougher than usual but it was good. I closed my eyes and let him drag me down to lay on the couch. The kiss ended sooner than what I was expecting, with the way he had pulled me down I thought it was going to become something else, but instead he just kissed my forehead and pushed my face onto his chest. I wasn't complaining, I'm always in for a good cuddling session.

I was even more into it when he started massaging my ears. I almost fell asleep and I would've if Parrish hadn't stopped petting me.

"Can you pass me my phone?" He asked, pointing at his forgotten phone on the floor where he fell earlier.

I was a bit annoyed that he stopped petting just to ask me to get his phone, but I didn't say anything because I knew that that was beyond needy, and he kept rubbing my ears with his other hand anyway. I gave him his phone and he started scrolling through his apps. At some point he stopped petting me to start texting someone, I did not like that.

Who the fuck is he texting when his boyfriend is right here?

I felt a low rumble coming from my chest but I didn't realize I was growling until he pointed it out.

"Are you growling at me because I stopped petting you?" I heard him scoff.

"... no" I mumbled, rubbing my face in his chest.

"No? Really? And you're still doing it!" he giggled, "What is it then?" he put his phone down and hugged me.

I glanced at him and I felt conflicted because on one hand he has a right to text whoever the fuck he wants but on the other hand no. I'm his boyfriend and I have the right to get jealous, even over dumb shit.

Oh Goddess, I sound like Veronica.

"Nothing..." I rubbed my face again on his chest, maybe if I drowned myself in his scent I'll stop thinking stupid shit.

"Come on, puppy, just tell me." Parrish ran his fingers over my hair, settling them behind my ears. I looked up, he was smiling down at me, expecting an answer.

An answer that I was not going to give him, "It's nothing, I'm fine."

"Okay then," he sighed and went right back to texting. I tried but couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"Who are you texting?" I blurted out, pushing up to look him in the eyes.

Parrish blinked at me, then a grin flew across his face and I knew I was fucked. "That's what you were growling at me about?" He laughed, a pretty laugh, the kind of laugh that makes my heart feel warm and full, as the poets say. But now it was really pissing me off.

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