Night 6

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Parrish got home late, but weirdly enough he wasn't out drinking like always. He had a class that ran late. I was sitting on the couch when he came home matching straight into the kitchen without even looking at me. I scoffed and followed him into the kitchen.

"Hi to you too, Parrish. My day was great, thanks for asking. How was yours?" I leaned on the doorframe watching Parrish go through the food I cooked.

"Yeah, sorry, hi. I forgot to eat before leaving, I'm starving." He said, not paying any attention to me.

I hummed and sat on the table as he got a plate full of food into the microwave. He glanced back at me when he felt my eyes on his neck. His ears turned before him.

"What?" He eyed me curiously.

"Vero came by this morning."

There was a moment of silence where only the humming of the microwave could be heard, then he let out a little "Oh" Before turning back to the microwave.

"Oh"? Just "oh"? Weeks ago he would've died to hear gossip like this.

"Did you two talk things out?" He asked, getting a fork from one of the drawers and taking it to his mouth to chew on it.

"No, not really." I said and he turned fast enough that I almost heard his neck crack.


I shook my head, "No, she only came to drop this." I dove into my pocket to get the silver chair out and lay it on the table. Parrish looked at it for a moment, frowning until the realization of what it was hit him.

"Your moon?"

"Yeah, I guess this means it's really over now, right?"

He blinked, moving his eyes from me to the chain and from the chain to me. He opened his mouth to say something but the microwave beeped leaving the words in the air. Parrish jumped at the sound turning to get his food out and on the table.

"So... how are you feeling about it?" He asked, sitting in front of me.

"Weirdly enough, I don't feel... too sad? I mean, compared to when he had the fight and I felt like my heart was sinking into the bottom of the sea. Now I just feel relieved." I said, grabbing the necklace to trace my fingers over the moon. "Like, don't get me wrong. I was happy with her, it was a pretty nice relationship and I'm glad I got to experience it."

I looked at Parrish to see if he had anything to say but since he seemed more engrossed on my moon. He probably wasn't listening but I continued, "Right now I feel as if I ended a mourning period. Do you think it's weird that I feel this way? Does it mean that I didn't love her like I thought I did? Parrish?"

He blinked at me again, finally snapping out of whatever trance he was in.

"Well, I don't, I don't think that there's a wrong way to feel. But I do think that you still need to learn to be your own person." He got up, grabbing the moon to go around the table and stand in front of me. "As I see it now you're officially an independent and single alpha, you're free to do whatever you want." He finished, putting the chain around my neck and locking it.

"I didn't- I haven't worn this thing once since the ceremony..." I traced my fingers over the smooth silver before looking up at Parrish. "How does it look?"

"Like you grew into it." He smiled and messed with my hair.

He seems happy about it.

I smiled too because I like it when he smells happy. Is a nice mix between the wine berries and cedar wood. The wood reminded me of my morning walks with my sister Abby.

Nights Out (Parrish&Darius #1)Where stories live. Discover now