Night 12

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I've never felt so much relief and dread like in the moment I saw Parrish standing there in the middle of the hallway. I was glad that he came back but things between us were as frail as a spiderweb. Apologizing seemed like the best course of action but then he kissed me, confusion fell short to the feeling I was holding at the time.

I tried using my best puppy eyes to stay with him longer but he was adamant that I had to go. He wanted to be alone and all I could do was cling to him like a flea.

Shouldn't have done that. He must be pissed.

I went to the kitchen, where Vero was serving June some soup.

"Hey, Darius, do you want some soup?" She asked, with a steaming plate already set on the table for me.

"Thanks..." I mumbled sitting down to grab a spoon and start eating my feelings away. "How did you make this soup? We haven't gone grocery shopping yet..."

"I improvised, is it good?" Vero smiled at me. I nodded and she leaned closer to pet me. She got some napkins and cleaned all the tears off my face.

Parrish only came out of the bathroom when I was halfway through my third plate. He walked in, with his hair still wet and smelling like a fresh bar of soap. He pulled out a chair to sit next to me and no one said anything, until I did.

"Hi..." Was all I could say to him.

Parrish smiled, bumping his shoulder into mine. "Can I have some soup too?" His hand went to mine, taking my spoon..

"No." Vero jumped in, snatching the plate away and glaring at Parrish.

"Vero, I know you're mad but you're not going to deny Parrish food, are you?" June called her out, standing up to sit on the other side of Parrish.

Vero's eyes flashed blue for a second, but she spun on the kitchen to grab the pot and pour more soup on my plate. She slided the plate towards Parrish aggressively, making some of the soup spill on the table. I thought Parrish was going to refuse eating it, but instead he quietly held the spoon and started slurping the soup away.

"Thanks." He even thanked Vero for the food when he was done.

That's when the air in the room got tense. Veronica was sitting directly in front of Parrish, glaring at him. June was clinging to his arm like she was scared he was going to disappear into thin air. To be honest I wanted to do the same, but I figured that one person attached to him was probably enough to keep him grounded in place.

I was also a bit lost, my nose was scuffy from all the crying and I couldn't smell shit. Not that being able to smell what they were feeling was enough to understand why they were feeling it, but it got me halfway there.

"You guys want to watch a movie?" June suddenly spun up the chair she was sitting on.

Thank goddess for June.

"Yes! Yes, yes please." I stood up too, walking into the living room behind June.

We sat next to each other on the couch, Vero and Parrish followed after. Vero sitting on the solo couch and Parrish next to me for a change. I saw it on June's face that she thought it was weird too but neither of us said anything.

"I'll go make some popcorn, I know we still have those..." I walked out of the living room, mainly because I wanted some space to think on my own.

I also wanted popcorn.

They all seemed to get that I wanted to be alone because no one followed me into the kitchen. I made two bowls of popcorn, when I got back to the living room things were a little better. Whatever Vero had with Parrish they apparently talked it through in the twenty minutes I was in the kitchen. Vero had moved from the solo seat to next June, leaving Parrish's left side completely empty for me to sit.

Nights Out (Parrish&Darius #1)Where stories live. Discover now