Night 10

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Parrish left the studio with Lily that day. He said they were going out drinking and when I tried to go with them he told me to fuck off. So I went home alone, I had dinner alone and I went to bed alone. Then I got a weird call at three am.

"Hello?" I was groggy and did not recognize the caller but I picked it up regardless.

"Hey, man, are you Darius?" A guy's voice came through with a lot of background noise. It sounded like loud music and a lot of laughter, like a party.


"Great! So, hey, I have your roommate here, or at least he says he is- hey! Stop that!" He yelled and I had to pull the phone away from my ear. I heard more yelling but the mention of my roommate made me sit up on the bed.

"I'm sorry. Did you say my roommate?" I asked, trying to get information on what the fuck was going on.

"Yeah, yeah, a guy named Parrish, he came in earlier and he gave very clear instructions to call this number when he started asking for a place to sing. Does that ring a bell or did I call the wrong number?" He questioned.


"Yeah, no, I mean yes. That's, that's my roommate and where is he exactly?" I got up and started looking for some clothes and my keys.

"We're at- Hey! I told you to stop that! Shit, sorry man, I have to go. I'll, I'll text you the address and you better come take your drunk ass friend from my bar or I'll call the cops on him." He hung up the phone without saying anything else.

I stood there holding my phone, shaking. I felt the anxiety and nerves turning into the biggest need to puke with each second that passed and I didn't get that text with the address. Looking back on that, I could've started walking to the car or finished putting on my pants but I couldn't even think of that. All I knew was that Parrish was passed-out drunk in some bar.

The phone finally rang with the text and the time freezing spell I was under finally lifted. I let out a shaky breath and finished putting on my pants, then I ran out the door holding my shoes in my hands.

I got to the bar and the first thing I saw was Parrish being held by the collar of his shirt by some deer alpha. The guy was about to take a swing on Parrish when I jumped in and pushed him to the ground. Parrish was so drunk that he fell on his ass when the guy let go of him.

"Hey, hey! Stop, I already called the cops!" I recognized that voice as the men that was talking to me on the phone. I looked to my left and saw the tallest moose beta I've ever seen in my life.

I say grab Parrish and run.

I was about to do just that when I looked down and saw the state of drunkenness in which Parrish was. His face was red; his eyes were glossy and he was staring at me but he was most definitely seeing past me. His ears were crooked one down and the other one didn't seem to find a direction. Then someone grabbed me, it was the moose. I didn't even see him get there. He was flashing a bright pair of yellow eyes at me.


"I'm sick of you damn alphas coming to mess up my fucking bar. First this drunk asshole comes in and drinks my whole cabinet. Then this other idiot tries to pick a fight with him. And now you?" he growled at me, pulling me closer to his face to bear his fangs at me.


"I'm, I'm here to pick him up! Sorry, I didn't mean to cause any troubles!" I was going to give him even more excuses but I felt a tug on my leg that made me look down. It was Parrish, still sitting on the floor, now looking green.

Nights Out (Parrish&Darius #1)Where stories live. Discover now