Night 7

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I couldn't find my keys anywhere and I was late for class. I made a mess in my room looking for them and I was about to do the same in the living room when Parrish intervened.

"What are you doing?" At six am he was walking out of his room still in pajamas and wearing what he called a bonnet hat for his curls. I didn't really understand its purpose and I didn't have time to care right now.

"I can't find my car keys." I started tearing the couch apart as he walked past me and into the kitchen.

"It's too early for you to be making this mess, just take my car." He offered, dismissively waving his hand at me as he got milk from the fridge.

No, that's not happening.

"Thanks but I think I'll just take the bus."

"But you're gonna be late, don't you hate being late?"

I hate being dead more.

I sighed, it was finally time to let it out. "I can't take your car."

"Why not?"

"Because your car..."

Parrish's car is an old Chevrolet Aveo that's been running on thoughts and prayers since 2002. The seatbelts don't work, the engine makes dying noises everytime you turn it on and I swear that it actually begged me to let it die once. In other words, Parrish's car is a dead trap, death on wheels but he loves the damn thing for some reason. He gets very upset every time someone suggests he should get rid of it.

The funny thing is that he has the money to do it, he just doesn't want to.

"My car what?" He asked, alarmed at the implications that something might have happened to that piece of garbage.

We can't tell him, look at him.

"Because your car is out of gas, yeah, I checked last time," I hurried to say, "Anyway, I'm gonna take the bus but thanks." I rushed to grab my bag and head out the front door.

I felt bad for rejecting his offer, especially because he's been awfully nice to me since the night at the hospital. He doesn't complain when it's his time to do the dishes anymore and he doesn't growl at me if I sit two inches too close to him.

I was twenty minutes late to class. I hate being late because people always stare at you when you're coming in. When I opened the door I apologized to the teacher and avoided everyone's eyes as I found my seat next to Tommy.

"Darius, you're uncharacteristically late. Did something bad happen?" Tommy asked, bit concerned.

Tommy, sweet little Tommy. Sometimes he's not so bad.

"No, I just couldn't find my keys, I had to take the bus," I explained, giving him a little smile.

He nodded and turned back to the lecture. "That wouldn't happen if you keep better track of your personal items."

Little shit.

The rest of the class went on as normal. At the end Tommy shared with me some "tips" on being more organized. When I got out of the building I saw the familiar gray Chevrolet parked outside. Slowly, very slowly the back seat window went down and June's head popped out.

"Hi, Darius!" She waved enthusiastically with her signature bright smile plastered on her round face.

Oh no, it got June.

A black head joined June's red one. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!" It was Vero with a bright smile that once made my heart flutter, now it was just another cute smile from one of my cute friends. It was weird seeing it not feel the same as before.

Nights Out (Parrish&Darius #1)Where stories live. Discover now