Night 9 Part 2

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I guess I wasn't ready for how truly chaotic the job was going to be. The first thing Parrish did when we arrived at the studio was get dragged into his changing room to be changed into different clothes and for Kendra to do his makeup. They didn't even notice I was there but that didn't bother me. I'm used to being ignored by my peers and I enjoyed watching Parrish get ready. He looked so calm when Kendra was dabbing makeup on his face.

Today's costume was different from yesterday's. Instead of the big red flower crown, he had a golden diadem adorned with golden leaves and grapes. The loincloth was replaced with a white tunic going down to his knees and leaving his left shoulder naked.

The knot on the right shoulder had a golden emblem tying the whole thing together. The emblem was a wine cup with grapes looking like they were pouring out it. I thought the irony of the grapes on his costume was hilarious, Parrish couldn't eat grapes without ending up in the hospital. He's highly allergic to them.

The costume also included sandals this time so he wasn't walking around barefooted anymore, he also wasn't chiming like a bell every time he moved. When he was ready they left and I sat in his changing room alone for a while until Kendra came in and almost had a heart attack when she saw me. She walked in and started looking for something in Parrish's bag, I watched in silence as she got his phone out and let out a little sound of victory.

"Oh my god!" Kendra jumped in her place when she turned to leave and saw me sitting on the couch.

"Hi." I smiled and waved at her. Maybe I was starting to like scaring people with my mere presence.

"Have you been here this whole time? I thought you left." She placed a hand over her chest, trying to even her breathing.

"Nop, Parrish told me to wait here. He said we were going over my contract so I could start working here." I said and her eyes widened with realization.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot about that, I'm so sorry! We just been so busy today and-"

"I know, it's fine."

"Well, Parrish sent me to get his phone and we actually have a few minutes now to talk about it now, if you want to come out and..." She trailed off, pointing at the door.

"Okay." I stood up and walked up to her. She blinked at me like she didn't know what to do next. "Shall we go?" I asked, opening the door for her.

"Yeah, yes! Sure..." She stepped out and I followed her. "Aren't you mad that we forgot about you and left you waiting?" She gave me a cautious look as I closed the door.

"No, not really, I know you guys were busy and you didn't do it on purpose, right?"

"No, of course not!" She stopped walking to stare at me with a serious look.

"Then it's fine." I shrugged and hurried my pace when I saw Parrish waving at me. Then I stopped and turned to Kendra, "Can I have his phone please?"

"What?" She looked at me confused so I pointed at Parrish's phone in her hand, "Oh, yeah sure, here you go."

"Thanks." I took the phone and went up to Parrish, who was sitting on the couch a few feet away from the backdrop.

"Why is Kendra having you doing her errands?" He raised an eyebrow at his phone when I gave it to him.

"She's not, I just want to give it to you." I smiled, sitting next to him.

"Parrish, I got you a drink!" It was that omega from yesterday, the one rubbing herself all over Parrish. She was holding a purple bottle of what I could tell was grape juice.

Nights Out (Parrish&Darius #1)Where stories live. Discover now