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Three months later

Parrish almost shit his pants when I asked him if he wanted to meet my mothers. He was thrilled and terrified. Like a little kid who just realized his dad let go of the bike he was riding. It was weird seeing him running around shops trying to figure out what would be the perfect gift for my mothers and sister. I told him he was wasting his time. Mom would like anything he got, Ma would pretend she likes it and Abby wouldn't like anything he got her.

It was a lost battle but he insisted on buying them gifts anyway.

To be honest I was nervous too. I know my mothers love me unconditionally and they wouldn't disown me just because I'm dating another alpha man. But it all felt so nerve racking in a way I didn't feel when I took vero home. In a bad way, like this was a disaster waiting to happen.

That's why I decided to bring June and Vero as contingencies. I even took it as far as to book a room in a hotel nearby in case things went wrong in my home. Which I didn't think they would but I wanted to be thorough.

We're at the airport now, waiting for my mom to come pick us up. We were all sitting on a bench. Veronica was sitting to my left, Parrish to my right and June next to him. We were trying to put as much space between them as possible because they sat next to each other on the plane and it ended in disaster.

Parrish was a little bit... jittery.

He's about to climb the walls.

He couldn't stop bouncing his knee and biting his nails. I had already exhausted all my "calming down Parrish techniques" so I decided to just let him ride it out. But luckily, June took the torch for me.

"Parrish, relax. Everything's gonna be fine." June was trying to calm him down.

"You don't know that, but I know from experience that parents hate me. Especially moms..." He bit his thumbnail again. I grabbed his hand when I saw blood starting to stream out of it.

"There really isn't a reason for you to worry, you know." Veronica chimed in.

"You really think so?" Parrish snapped his neck towards Vero. "You met them in the same situation as me, I'll trust you fat ass if you say there's nothing to worry about. So don't lie to me."

"Yeah, I mean it. His mom, the omega one, will love you no matter what. The other mom is gonna hate you no matter what but she'll pretend to be nice. And his sister, she's definitely gonna hate you."

That's exactly what I've been saying.

"You're not making me any less nervous, Vero."

"All I'm saying is that you can't control the outcome of this meeting." She shrugged. "You just gotta go with the flow and don't take anything his sister gives you."

It surprised me how Veronica handled the situation ten times better than Parrish when she was the one in it. I never thought Parrish would freak out this much.

"I need a drink." Parrish got up but I sat him down.

"You're not gonna get drunk right before meeting my mothers."

"Parrish, you don't have to worry, really. They're the type of all lovely, country, doting mothers. They won't care that you're an alpha guy."

"What?" Parrish turned to stone and very slowly turned his head towards Vero.


"Don't they know already?" He looked at me, raising an accusatory eyebrow.

"Oh, well... They know that I broke up with Vero... and that I'm bringing some friends." I squeezed his hand, which was more for me than for him.

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