Whiterun seems interesting

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 Since it was still daylight, I walk the road to Whiterun. Saw a prisoner being escorted by imperial soldiers. Their backs were to me, so I pull out my steel war axe and begin killing them fast. The prisoner ran to the side of the road as i finished all three soldiers. Guess I got a cool bow now. Let me explain. Cuz of my mage sense, I know the names or which side of the fight they are on. The prisoner is a stormcloak. And you already know my feelings on the empire and their soldiers. So I cut the guy binds, hand him some armor, sword, arrows and bow. There was enough to go around. Besides I can't get better with one handed skill without fighting. So it all had a point. The prisoner put the armor on, told me to head to windhelm if I want to join and ran away. 

Did I bury the bodies or do anything else? Nope, guess the wolves eating good tonight. Besides I got enough stuff to sell. The sun is setting as I finally made it to Whiterun. A guard stop me but I said I have news of the dragon, and they let me in. Some guards. What if I was a secret assassin? They said they be watching me but all it takes is a minute for these mahleels to die. At least our scales protect us somewhat. I pass some guy demanding things of a blacksmith, a guy carrying logs saying he work for a belethor, and what looks like a marketplace, I saw the inn. Bannered Mare it said. All I need is a bed and food and jobs. I rent a room and slept until morning. 

 After some breakfast, I ask if Hulda, the barkeep had any jobs. Can't get far without money. And I mean more money than stuff you sell. We all know the shop don't pay full price for things. Got a bunch of notes and bounties. Glancing at them quickly, Saw one from an orc and something about ghosts haunting a farm. Might read more but got to head to the blacksmith to sell the armors and stuff from the soldiers. Afterwards, I went to the general store to sell the stuff that the blacksmith don't take. When I came out of the store I watch two men bullying an old woman! I went to help when she caught my eye and subtle shook her head at me. 

I went to the meat vendor and kept an ear open, making sure to act like I was just buying meat. What I overheard was that the men were staunch empire supporters. Of course they would support the empire. Bunch of bullies the lot of them. Black Mash has history where they kept trying to take over. Or that what I picked up from history class. Ask Bringer if you want to talk about the boring stuff. After selling everything, still didn't have enough for a conjuration spell. Kaoc that shifting dimensions or whatever that made me go back to being a novice. I wait until the men left so i can talk to her. She lead me to her home, asking for my help. How can I not help an old woman? I'm not heartless. So I talk to her other son who been hiding at home, not wanting to have the same fate as his brother. I can understand that. I know that feeling all too well. It why I couldn't go after my brother when he was taken. Why I shut myself away, not trusting anyone but my family and summons. And why I wanted to come here, to be stronger. Never want to see that look in his eyes ever again. I kaoc up badly. My father saved him, but it took months since it was hidden. He was hidden. 

 I went to search the battle borns house and got the evidence that the son was alive. But he was being kept by mammal lickers. Kept slipping into my native tongue. Sorry readers. You know them as the aldmeri dominion. High elves who want to rule the world. Sound like a cliche bad guy thing but it true. Go talk to them yourselves. They don't even hide it. And why would they? They want to have everyone beneath them. Unlike the mahleels, they can back their toughness up. Their ego isn't exactly misplace is what I'm saying. When I told the brother, he wanted to storm the fortress. Told him I can get him out by myself. No need for the poor woman to lose two sons. Fralia grey mane is the name of the mom. Keep forgetting to name the people. Bad habit of mine since no trust equal why bother. 

Went to eat as it been a bit since breakfast. Overheard many interesting rumors. Someone make fun of an adventurer who is near Dawnstar looking for a scroll. Said reward for helping is a flaming familiar spell. Another person said there was a necromancer near the ritual stone. Working on a spell so be careful going near there. A guard said he left a conjured bow spell at fort amol but it overrun by bandits now. You can hear a lot from the drunks in an inn. I mark each area on my map. I ask Hulda where is this ritual stone. She told me it down the road near the valtheim towers. Great as I did get a quest from a guy looking for his sword. Did I forget to mention that? Sword was stolen by bandits who is in those towers. 

 I left to tell the jarl about the dagon. Talk to the jarl but didn't mention being on the block. Who be so dumb to admit that they was a prisoner? He sent me to talk to his court wizard and they want me to go to Bleak falls barrow to get a dragonstone. Wizard was very condescending until I ask what does this have to do with dragons? I left after seeing how much the spells cost. His quest is last on my to do list. Going to be rude, you going to wait for this stone thing. Onward to the ritual stone and the towers! got tired of this place already. 

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