Conjurer or Necromancer?

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 Waking up the next day, I went into town. Already I see how this wizard has unsettled the townspeople. Other races distrust magic. That much I get. I watch them asking the steward of the jarl about this wizard. They sounded angry so I just went to the inn.  Ask the innkeep about the wizard, told her I want a teacher. She told me the wizard is her brother and his name is Falion. Ask her what he is like so I know how to approach him. She said just to act normal and he might be a bit defensive due to the people around here. Told her I understood as she gave directions to his home. I thank her as I left, bumping into a pretty woman name Alva. She said excuse me but a cold chill ran up my scales. Told her no problem as I left. Something isn't right with her. I thought to myself as I walk along the town, finding his home. 

 I knock, asking if I can come in. He told me yes and that I'm new to Morthal. Calling it interesting. He did rant at me about accusing him of eating the hearts of the undead or sacrificing children. I stop him, saying I'm a conjurer and just want to learn from him. His eyes widen at that, ask me to sit down in a chair. We talk long about necromancy snd regular conjuration. He told me he was a teacher at Winterhold but left due to disagreements. I told him about my struggle and he said Necromancy isn't evil in itself. It is magic like the rest. It what the caster do with it, that makes it evil. I argue, saying it making ghosts, spirits and the undead fight. He ask what about the atronachs? They came from another realm to fight for you. Which is true. It does feel nice to make an enemy into a temporary ally. Like I can raise a dead enemy and they will turn on their friends. He made another good point of their soul is gone and their corpse is empty. Told him how my tribe views it and he asks me why was I here? Why wasn't I satisfied with the atronachs? Necromancy is part of conjuration so why limit yourself?

Felt like plucking my feathers as he made good points. Told him that atronachs can be resisted and they were weak. I try so hard to use only flame atronachs but they were beaten easily and had to keep reconjuring them. While my zombie last longer and only had to conjure him once or twice when comparing between the two. He wasn't lying about necromancy being part of conjuration. I see the skill tree in my mind. I bought some spells from him, saying I must think on what he said. Brought Magelight, foul zombie, candlelight, haunting spirit, skeleton marksman, skeleton minion and healing hands. So I can heal others when i get a friend to trust and travel with. He told me he enjoys our conversation and I'm more open minded than most. Decided to work on some quests. 

 After doing a lot of quests, I made my choice. Time and time again, my normal spells just isn't working as well as the necromancer ones. My necromancer spells are foul zombie, conjure zombie, raise zombie, skeleton marksman, skeleton minion, and haunting spirit. Undying ghost is my ultimate cuz he uses up all my magicka. Do own another home and realize I need a horse. That was quite a long quest. But got my own horse due to wild horses notes from the stable master at solitude. Got a red horse and named it balder. There was six others to chose from but it nice to have a horse that match me.  I'm a necromancer, if only I can remove some perks from the tree. I no longer uses the bound sword as I use a sword I found in Riften. Called Dawnfang during the day and Duskfang at night. Hired Erik as he a new adventurer and due to being new, I can trust him. Still use the bound bow though. Bow of shadows is in a chest in the mage tower. Yes I move everything I own to it. I come back to the farm just to collect the money from it. Due to it, I have a lot of money now. 

 Yes I change what I am wearing due to raising my skills even more. And the rewards from the quests. Got on a daedric light armor with gauntlets and boots. Still wearing my scaled helmet and can improved it as I now know how to make the scaled armor set. My horse is wearing a stormcloak saddle and Erik is wearing the dwarven light armor. Gave him the weapon from the orc bounty cuz he s good with two handed weapons. How did I get the daedric armor? Traded a ring for it. It Improved illusion so it wasn't doing me any good. My sister who uses illusion magic would have more use for it. Erik is a great partner. Was off to a bumpy start cuz he wouldn't stop staring at me. Told me he never saw anyone that look like me before. Poor boy never left his town. Told him all about saxhleels and he listened intently. Even told him about my family and he said he wish he had siblings. Was an only child as his mother died in childbirth. Told him my mother is an only egg. Which is kinda the same thing. Erik is a good kid. 

After a lot more quests, I dismissed Erik, saying he needs a break. I made sure to dismissed him in his town so he won't get lost on the way. That be cruel if I didn't as he never traveled before. He was going to give me back his armor and weapon when I told him to keep it. It is for him. Went back to Morthal to tell Falion of my decision. He told me there a better home but it near Windhelm and it perfect for necromancers. Got to ask the inn in Windhelm for the location. He only heard it in passing. Ask if he got any more spells and he shook his head. Despite his dislike of the college, they are the ones with the spellbooks. Phinis is the conjuration master teacher there. He should know as he the one who taught him everything he knows. I thank him as I left to first find my new home and then to the college. Seems my adventure to become stronger isn't going to end any time soon. 

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