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The air cleared within minutes of sitting back down together but one thing that rubbed Rainbow Dash in the wrong way was why Apple Jack had bought strawberry instead of what they both enjoy (they'd previously come to a compromise), which was chocolate.

Apple Jack swore she HATED strawberry milkshakes but this time she drank it. Very minimal amount but she still did it.

"Hey, d'ya wanna come over to the farm t'morrow? I've got no chores left and I thought we could hang in the orchards like we used to."
"Totally." Rainbow Dash grinned, watching Apple Jack adjust her hat. "Hey, do you know if twilight was planning on doing another secret Santa this year?"
"I think so" Apple Jack said. "She did mention it today, but nuthins guaranteed yet."

Rainbow dash slouched back in her chair and rolled her eyes.
"I need to get a job." She whined. "Since soccers finished and we don't really have time in winter to practice our music, I have no excuse not to. And I'd get paid well over the holidays." She shrugged "almost everywhere is looking for Christmas casuals."

Apple Jacks eyes lit up and she began to open her mouth before Rainbow Dash kept rambling about something she barely kept up with. She didn't mind though. She loved watching the rainbow haired girl talk about things she loved. Not even loved. She actually could talk about anything and Apple Jack would listen.

"How bout you stay the night?" Apple Jack interrupted. "Saves you fuel if you think about it."
Rainbows Dash nodded.
"I don't see why not. Sleepover it is!"

The two spent another few hours chatting before finally deciding it was edging close to Apple Jacks curfew so they had to get going.
"Why do you still have a curfew if you don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to do chores?"
"I dunno. I guess it just puts Granny Smith at ease. She gets real stressed if any of us ain't home by the time she's ready for bed."

Rainbow Dash slightly nodded her head in acknowledgment, as she was focusing on the road. While they were eating, it had began to rain but now that they've hit the road, snow began to fall from the sky.

Rainbow Dash felt emerald eyes piercing her face as she bit her lip in concentration, trying not to slip on the wet roads. She skilfully pulled into sweet apple acres, both girls running from the car to the barn, puffing as they reached shelter. Apple Jack flopped down and sat on a hay bale.

"Far out Dash! I don't understand how you can spend so much time runnin in your sports. I honestly just get tired just from watchin ya."
Rainbow Dash laughed
"Yeah it takes a lot of training, believe me." She followed Apple Jacks steps and sat down next to her. "What I don't understand is how strong you are. You spend hours a day doing farm work. Plowing fields, carrying heavy things.." Rainbow Dash didn't realise but she was facing Apple Jacks direction and had slowly began playing with her fingers.
"Years of practice I suppose." Apple Jack spoke quieter than she had before and she had shuffled closer to Rainbow Dash, to the point where their hips were touching.

They hadn't said a word, both girls just staring at something about each other. Apple Jack watching Rainbow dash play with her fingers, running hers across the blondes palms. Whereas Rainbow Dash watched Apple Jack watching her.

"AJ.." Rainbow Dash whispered
"Dash?" She tilted her head to look into Rainbow Dashes enticing pink eyes. She'd be lying if she didn't think that Rainbow Dash looked mighty fine in her uniform.
"I.." she started and Apple Jack smoothly moved herself closer.
They both watch each others eyes as they took it in turns of looking all over the others face.
"I've gotta go." Rainbow Dash stood up quickly and ran to her Ute almost hyperventilating. She quickly turned the engine on and drove out of the Apple residence.

Apple Jack on the other hand stayed sat on the hay bale, starting at where Rainbow Dash just was.
'What in tar nation was that? What was I doin?' She thought to herself.

She shook it off and ran to the house through the rain, running straight upstairs to shower. She thought it would clear her head. But for no good reason, she spent the entire night thinking about Rainbow Dash.

Both girls struggled to fall asleep that night wondering why the other was on their mind.

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