Talking it through

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Straight away, both girls took it in turns showering before climbing into bed together.
"D'ya wanna talk about it?" Apple Jack started. "About us?"

Rainbow Dash hummed at sat up.
"Well what do you think about it?" She started.
"Well I think this could work. You and me." Apple Jack spoke confidently. "Unless you think otherwise-"
"I don't." Rainbow Dash kept her eyes glued to the bed. "I wanna be with you."
Apple Jack let out a deep breath and grabbed Rainbows hands.
"Well in that case..." AJ started. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

There was a long pause before Rainbow Dash started to move. She made her way onto Apple Jacks lap and embraced her tightly.
"Of course I wanna be your girlfriend. Do you wanna be mine?"

Apple Jack nodded and hummed, resting her head in the crook of Rainbow Dashes neck as she wrapped her arms around her tiny waist.

They stayed wrapped in each others embrace until morning. Waking up in Apple Jacks arms was one of the best things she's ever felt.

"AJ~" Rainbow Dash spoke as she semi carefully rolled around to face the girl, waking her with a kiss on the forehead, followed by kissing down her neck.
"Mmm." Apple Jack smiled a bit and opened her eyes "Good morning sugar cube" she kissed Rainbow Dash on the lips before sitting up.
"You got much on today AJ?" Rainbow Dash raised her arms to put her hands behind her head as her pyjama shirt rode up a bit.
Apple Jack clearly noticed as she glanced over her girlfriend's figure.
"I- nope. Nothing in the slightest. Why? Do you have something you wanna do?"
"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash winked. "We should go to those Christmas markets in the city!"

"Oh we should!" Apple Jack nodded in agreement
"Here." Rainbow Dash dug through her wardrobe and pulled out some of her warmest winter clothes. "Pop those on- shower if you'd like... but I'll be downstairs cooking up some breakfast."

Apple Jack nodded walked herself into the bathroom. She showered really quickly, putting on Rainbow Dashes clothes. They even smelt like her. The blondes heart skipped a beat and she went downstairs, wrapping her arms around Rainbow Dash who was facing away from her, towards the stove.
"Whatcha cookin' good lookin'?" Apple Jack rested her head on Rainbow Dashes shoulder as she watched the girl scramble eggs.
"I'm cooking you your favourite." That was true. Apple Jack loved her eggs and bacon.
"Naw shucks, you shouldn't have." She kissed Rainbows cheek and unwrapped her arms and just placed them on the girls hips. "If you wanna go get ready, I can finish this up."

Rainbow Dash shook her head.
"Nope. I'm making breakfast for my guest- my girlfriend!" She smiled to herself and Apple Jack sat herself up on the counter right next to the stove. "That's so weird to say." She laughed but quickly corrected herself. "Not weird as in weird, but it's just new." She smiled at Apple Jack who just kept watching her cook.

"You'd be a great house wife."
"Pfft please! We both know you'd be the house wife. I mean you're the one who is already good with that stuff!"
"Oh yeah? And what do you suppose you'll be doing when I'm the house wife?"
"I don't know! Being cool! Like I'll be a professional soccer or basketball player. I'll have a big enough income to provide for both of us!"

Apple Jack smiled to herself.
"I'm so proud of you. You've achieved so much in your sports department. Soccer captain, winning the finals! And not to mention how well you played basketball last season."
"Yeah.. right! I wasn't even captain!" Rainbow Dash whined
"So? You still one up'ed every other player."

The two bantered like a married couple all through breakfast. Afterwards Apple Jack insisted on cleaning up so Dash could get ready.

She showered and put on warm clothes. She tied her hair in a low pony tail and put on a beanie before the two headed out.

Rainbow Dashes ute took a second to start up, but the second it did, she handed Apple Jack the aux cord.
"You know.. before we got together, you were still the only one who was allowed to play their crappy music in my car."
"Oh yeah? Why is that?" Apple Jack asked, pretending she hadn't noticed.
"Because you're totally cute when you sing your heart out."
Well she hadn't expected that so bluntly
"Gosh darn it Dash, you're making me blush." She turned her head away to cool herself down.
"Aw come on AJ, let me see your pretty face."

She shook her head once more and Rainbow Dash giggled.
"You're nervous."
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Are not!"
"Are t-"
Rainbow Dash was cut off by Apple Jacks choice of music. It was one of Rainbow dashes favourites.
"Why this one?" She asked
"It's my favourite out of all your songs." Apple Jack smiled and Rainbow Dash held her hand.

They pulled into the car park closest to the oval the markets were being held. There were workers actively shovelling snow to the car parks entrance as it started snowing quite hard. The girls didn't mind. They came prepared. Waterproof puffer vests, and snow boots. The two kept warm by using the others body heat.
"You ready for tomorrow? Who'd you get?"
"I ain't tellin' you nothin'." Apple Jack smirked and Rainbow looked at her in shock.
"Aw c'mon!"
"I'm ready. I've got the gift and I'm prepared." Apple Jack looked so cocky and her girlfriend just shook her head.

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