Spring has sprung

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Even though it's been hot the past week, it's cooling down significantly. Today is the first day of spring and the band had planned to meet in Apple jacks barn to play. Naturally, Rainbow Dash was the first there. She set up her equipment then went inside the house and upstairs where Apple Jack was. She was laying in her bed, listening to some cheesey romantic music and scrolling on her phone.

Rainbow Dash barged in and flopped on top of her girlfriend.
"Woah!" Apple Jack said in surprise and tried to reach her phone that fell down the side of her bed, to turn this music off.
"Stop AJ! It's cute." Rainbow Dash smiled at her and buried her head in her chest she felt her girlfriend release some tension and wrap her arms around the girl.
"Hey.. what ended up happening with Apple Bloom? You know.. when she got mad at me?"
Apple Jack chuckled to herself.
"I told 'er that we were play fightin' and that there was no need for her to react like that."
Rainbow Dash kicked her feet and giggled, lifting her head so that Apple Jack would plant a kiss on her lips.
"Did you know it's almost been half a year since we got together?"
"I did know that actually Rainbow. We should do something. Go out yuh know." She proposed. "I- I mean, only if you wanna."
"No I do AJ." She smiled. "You know.. I hadn't really thought about it until now, that all of that gross couple-y stuff that you see going on at school or in movies and think 'ew.'," Rainbow Dash started "I realised that I wanna experience all that with you." She quietened her voice at that last statement but luckily for her, Apple Jack heard.
The stronger of the two, pulled Rainbow Dash while she sat against the bed frame, placing her girlfriend on her lap.
"You don't need to be nervous when telling me things sugar cube. I ain't ever, and I mean ever, going to judge you." She placed her hands on either side of her face. "And even if it's a topic I don't agree with or if it's messy.. we'll talk through it alright hun?"
Rainbow Dash nodded in embarrassment and Apple Jack laughed and coo'ed at the same time. She gently placed her head in the girls shoulder, taking in her scent.

"We really gotta do stuff. I have a couple uh chores that need doing before the others get here. You gonna be helpful? Or just laze around?" Apple Jack rubbed up her girlfriends back and the girl went limp on top of her.
"I might just be lazy here." She proclaimed, intentionally squashing Apple Jack. That is until she felt two sharp stabs to both her sides, and she wreathed to get away, leaving Apple Jack to be free. "I supposed I'll help." Rainbow Dash huffed from the floor and Apple Jack pulled her up.

They worked on gathering apples before the others started to show up. They set up all the instruments in the barn and got straight to practicing.
They reversed a few songs and gained an audience. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo all sat on barrels and bopped along to the beat.
"Is it true y'all's might be goin away for a week on a ship?" Apple Bloom asked everyone in the band, knowing what Apple Jack will say.
"Well" Rainbow Dash started, "I don't know what your sister has told you, but we MIGHT be going on a cruise to perform. We needa meet up with the chick that's trying to hire us."

"That's exactly what I said Rainbow." Apple Jack chimed in as she tuned her bass.
"No! You said you were going-"
"Apple Bloom, do us all a favour and shut up!" Her sister started. "Stop your lyin'!"
The crusaders got off the barrel and left the bands rehearsal space.

"I'm sorry for losing my temper yall." Apple Jack said and Rainbow Dash placed a kiss to the girls temple, that no one saw.
"What are you doing!?" Apple Jack whisper yelled and Rainbow Dash got offended. She scoffed and started the next song, rushing everyone else into starting, causing it to sound sloppy.

She felt hurt that Apple Jack snapped at her. It's not like anyone saw. She just, mustn't be in the mood.
Apple Jack cut reversal short and everyone besides Rainbow Dash left.

Once the last car was out of the driveway Rainbow Dash stomped her foot.
"What the hell was that?" She spoke angrily and Apple Jack turned to her furious.
"I'm sorry RAINBOW DASH." She striked. "I just don't want to be so.. public yet!"
"Well I don't wanna have to be sneaking around!"
"I don't think you get it-!"
"No I get it! I've respected your wish to not tell anyone! For months! I thought you would have been okay with it by now!"
"So what!? You're not happy with how our relationship is?"
"Not really, no!"
"Fine! Maybe we shouldn't even be in one if we can't agree on how to be in it!"
"Fine!" Rainbow Dash stormed out of the barn a voice following her as she jumped into her Ute,
"I don't wanna be in a relationship with somebody who can't even think about anyone but herself!"

She instantly drove off.

She kept rethinking the conversation with Apple Jack. Over and over again. It wouldn't leave her head.

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