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Mature themes

That night, Rainbow Dash was angry. Not at Apple Jack, but at herself. She was right. She only thought about herself.

She felt like the most unlikable person on the planet. She lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to Apple Jacks stupid country playlist.

That is until she had an idea. She texted Soarin to come around. She just wanted someone to be with right then. So when Soarin arrived, they pigged out on junk and watched a movie.

As the movie finished up, Rainbow Dash had her head rested on her best friends shoulder.
"Why am I here Rainbow?" He asked.
She huffed and tried to hold back tears.
"I just wanted to hang out." She tried to sound as normal as possible but her voice wobbled.
"Why'd you wanna hang out? Is something bothering you?"
She went quiet and Soaring pulled her closer.
"Hey, it's okay Dash. I just want you to be okay."

She sniffled and wiped a tear. How could she get out of this? Rainbow Dash turned to face Soarin, locking eyes with him, before kissing him.

It felt wrong, but she wanted to feel desired. Wanted. His big hands grabbed her waist and pulled her onto his lap..

The kissed sloppily, hungrily until Rainbow Dash felt a slight bulge underneath her. She felt her heart race. She'd never been in this situation before.

She began to grind on Soarins lap like she did with Apple Jack, and this time, she felt something. She felt more. Apparently so did he. A small noise left Soarins lips as he pulled away from the kiss. He bit his lip and looked down at the girl who was slowly grinding on him.
"Fuck Dash~" he kissed down her neck, sucking as her hands trailed down to graze over his tracksuit pants.
"Oh gosh~ please." He pleaded and she got off his lap to pull his waistband down, bringing his underwear down with it. She stared at his cock as it stood tall with pride and it was flushed a red colour.

She hesitantly grabbed it and he hissed.
"Fuck, please Rainbow."
She moved her wrist and her hand went down his entire length. She moved so she was on the floor, in between his knees. She watched as she continued to stroke, that a liquid beaded at the tip. She kitten licked it off and his breathing sped up.
"Come on~" he groaned and she took him in her mouth.
He let out a desperate moan and she lowered herself down on the length. She sped up her pace and she had her hand gripping the part she couldn't reach. She had no problem with her gag reflex so she easily went down on him. He squirmed more and more and finally released down her throat. She didn't know what to do with what was in her mouth so she just swallowed it.

"Far out Dash." He grabbed her by the arm and carefully pulled her onto his lap. "Are you okay?" He asked as she seemed a bit out of it. She stared at the same one spot and he wobbled her.
"Huh what?" She said overwhelmed. The taste in her mouth, being with Soarin, it all made her feel panicked. She began to breathe heavily and Soarin held her hand.
"Talk to me." He said and she broke down.
"I can't talk to you. She won't be happy." Rainbow Dash sobbed into his shoulder.
"I won't say anything to anyone." He rubbed her back as she composed herself.
"Well." She sniffled and wiped away her tears. "Tonight, Apple Jack and I.." she felt her eyes swell with tears. "We broke up." She felt her face scrunch as she began to cry.

"You're a?" He Started but realised that was probably the wrong way to put it. "You like girls?"
She nodded
"AJ and I were coming up to our 6 months and then tonight we argued."
"What was it about." He rubbed the small of her back in hopes of it calming her down.
"At the start, neither of us wanted to share our relationship with anyone. No one knew we liked girls and it seemed scary. We knew our friends would support us, we just didn't want things to be awkward for them." Soaring nodded as he listened. "Tonight, we were rehearsing for this gig we might have and she was getting frustrated. I kissed her on the forehead quickly, no one saw and she snapped at me. When everyone left she was yelling, and I was yelling." Rainbow Dash was anxiously playing with the hem of Soarins shirt. "I told her that I'm tired of sneaking around, and not being honest. She agreed to a degree but she wasn't ready yet. We ended up saying neither of us were happy with the way our relationship is and we broke up. We said that because we were mad. Not because we meant it." Rainbow Dash wailed. "When I was getting in my car, she said she didn't wanna be in a relationship with someone who only thinks about herself." She held back more tears and hugged Soarin.

He was such an angel. He held her while she cried, listening to everything she had to say until she fell asleep in his arms. He carried her to bed and swiftly left her room.

In the morning, she came downstairs to grab a coffee but Soarin was already there, making her coffee for her, along with some pancakes.
"I hope you don't mind but I thought I'd help you out a bit." He placed the food on the table and she sat down to eat it.
"Thank you." She said smiling. He blew it off as nothing and asked her if she needed a ride to school.

She said it was alright and she was going get there later. He offered to stay with her and she agreed.
"I'm gonna shower. You can watch some tv if you'd like. I won't be long." She smiled softly at him before going upstairs and into her bathroom. She stared at herself. She looked like rubbish.

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