Talking it out

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"So wait. Let me get this straight. You're back together with Apple Jack?" Soarin had his muscular arms crossed over his chest. "What does this mean for us? Does she know?"

To Rainbows surprise, he wasn't mad.
"Of course she knows and I guess we're just friends again."
"I'm happy for you. I know how much you love her." Soaring hugged her, embracing her tightly.

"Thanks Soar." She held his elbow while they looked each other in the eyes.
"I gotta go. Basketball try-outs." Soarin began to move away. "Wait are you trying out this year?"

"Yes! Of course! Oh my gosh!" She began to run out the door. "When does it start?" She said with a panicked look.

"Uhh you run home, I'll head to mine and and ask coach when the women's is. I'll text you."

She nodded and yelled thank you as she ran out the door and jumped in her ute to drive home. She put her hair up and put on her shorts and tank top. Her phone buzzed.
S: Women's is at 3:30.. hope you're ready. It's in the gym. I'll see you here.
Rainbow Dash looked at the time 3:17. Oh no.

She pulled her prescribed knee brace on, followed by socks and shoes. She then ran out to the car, driving straight to the school. She arrived with 3 minutes to spare.

Walking into the gym she saw Soarin with the ball, shooting a 3 pointer, with no contact with the rim and net.

She waited on the bleachers with Spitfire who was the captain last year.
"You ready to be captain this year Dash? I've heard you've been getting ripped." She smiled and squeezed her biceps.
"Just a bit of training here, some gym there. You know just the good stuff."

Spitfire wasn't kidding though. She was toned and her calf muscles were immaculate.
"Alright girls!" Coach yelled. "I need you to start doing 20 laps of the gym! Try not to get in the way of the guys game." He blew his whistles and majority of the girls groaned. Rainbow Dash and spitfire gave one another a knowing look before both speeding off.
"May the best athlete win." Spitfire said just about neck on neck with Rainbow dash. They were quickly enough on their 17th lap, still going strong, though Spitfire seemed a bit puffed.
"Need a break?" Rainbow Dash asked, noticing the slack.
The girl instantly picked up her slouch.
"Nope. Only 3 more laps to go." And she sprinted, chest forward.

Though it wasn't fast enough to beat Rainbow Dash. She made it back to coach only 5 seconds before Spitfire.
"Yeah wooohooo! Go Rainbow!" Soarin cheered as Rainbow Dash puffed a bit, taking a sip of water while he came over to high five her.
"Impressive." He winked at her before heading back out to the game.

She smirked to herself and Spitfire slapped her on the back of the shoulder.
"Good one Dash." She smiled and took a seat, watching how most of the remaining girls were walking or slowly jogging.

"Come on! Bring it on girls!" Coach blew his whistle and all the girls came in. The ones who were actually trying huffed in frustration at their efforts in comparison to the ones who walked.
"Let's try shooting."

Soon enough, tryouts were over and Rainbow Dash checked her phone. Missed calls from Apple Jack?


Oh no. They were supposed to meet to hang out at the farm.

Rainbow Dash took off from the school, ringing Apple Jack while she was driving.
"WEL nice to finally hear from yuh." You could hear the annoyed tone through the phone. "Why haven't you been answerin me!"

"I'm so sorry AJ.. I'm on my way over now. I completely forgot tryouts were today and didn't remember till the last minute and then our thing slipped my mind-"
"Hey don't worry about it sugar cube. It's okay. My fault too for forgetting. I know how much your sport means to yuh. I get it. No worries." She'd calmed down significantly and Rainbow Dash let out a sigh.

"I'm almost at sweet apple acres. I can tell you all bout how it went. I'm pretty confident either spitfire or I got captain." Rainbow Dash buzzed and apple jack laughed.
"Okay hun. Keep your focus on the road and I'll wait out the front of the barn for yuh."
"Okay, I'll see you when I get there." Rainbow Dash blushed .
"I'll see yuh." She snorted, hanging up.

Within a matter of minutes, Rainbow Dash pulled right up to the barn and saw Apple Jack waiting. She quickly got out and hugged her girlfriend.
"I'm so sorry AJ. I promise I'll make it up to you."
Apple Jack grabbed her hands.
"Oh you will."
She tugged Rainbow Dash inside the barn and up the ladder to the second level where an arrangement of pillows and blankets had been placed on top of an old mattress.
"I thought we could hang out here- if you're cool with it." Apple Jack blushed and Rainbow Dash kissed her, dropping her back on the mattress before climbing on top of her hungrily.

"It's fine by me." She smirked before a thatching their lips again and rolling her hips down as they sloppily began to make out.

Apple Jack moved her hands to hold the small of her girlfriend's back, in order to keep her as close as physically possible.
"I want you.. AJ.." she whispered in the girls ear and it sent shiver down her spine. The cowgirl bent one of her legs, in between Rainbow Dashes.

She instantly saw the opportunity and took it. She began to grind against her thigh, with her mouth opened. She began to make quiet noises. Her breath picked up and Apple Jack just watched in anticipation. She eventually realised exactly what was happening and began to kiss the girls neck, trying to figure out her most sensitive side.

Rainbow Dash let out an audible whine when Apple Jack sucked her left side.
"Oh gosh~"
Apple Jacks hands slowly moved up to finally cup the girls breasts on the outside of her tank top.

She bang to grind more desperately and Apple Jack moved her hands under the girls shirt, gliding over her belly button to rub around the area. She removed her mouth from Rainbow Dashes neck and placed a passionate kiss on her lips.
Apple Jack grabbed the girls shirt by the hem and brought it over the top of her head, throwing it off the second story and onto the floor of the barn.

Apple Jack just unclipped Rainbow Dashes bra and was about to do the same to that, before a voice called "hello?"

It was Big Mac
The pair stopped and froze in shock. Only staring at one another
"H-hiya Big Mac." Apple Jack called back and Rainbow Dash climbed off of her, crossing her legs tightly. "How's it hanging?" She said as she looked down below at Big Mac who just handed her the shirt, reading the name Dash at the bottom of it, not questioning her.

She turned back around to see Rainbow Dash covering her chest while trying to retrieve her bra, with a frustrated and embarrassed look on her face.

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